[Website] New Map Style: Kurviger Liberty

Offline maps are vector maps, not like online bitmap tiles.
Their map style is a collection of rules, similar to that one.

@boldtrn can answer that, if Liberty or Mapilion seems more similar.

Important is maps to use OSM data in their rendering, like the routing.

I see (and remember :wink: ) - so no way to compare vector and bitmap designs directly by source.

Thanks for all your feedback!

Yes, Kurviger Liberty was designed to be somewhat similar to the Kurviger Map Style of the Kurviger App. 100% equality is not possible though.

Danke fĂŒr den Hinweis, ich vermute du hast ein hochauflösendes Display (im Bereich 4k)? Da experimentieren wir gerade noch mit der Technologie. Kurviger Liberty berechnet da gerade hochauflösende Karten, die deutlich langsamer laden, das wird aber vermutlich deaktiviert, da das einfach viel zu langsam ist. Die anderen Karten machen das ĂŒbrigens auch nicht, das wĂ€re quasi ein Bonus-Feature von Liberty.


Than this IS an argument to make Liberty instead of Esri the default of the Website.

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Good news, Kurviger Liberty is now the default map style on the website :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


For my ride profile, Kurviger Liberty is only partly useful. I like to ride on small roads (tertiary / unclassified).
Kurviger Liberty shows them on 2 km / 1 km zoom level which is too high to have an overview.
Therefore I use Esri Streets which shows these roads even on 10 km zoom level.
When planning the details, I often switch to Kurviger Liberty later because Esri doesn’t show the residential areas, restaurants and so on.

I would like Kurviger Liberty if it would show tertiary and unclassified roads at least on a 5 km zoom level. 10 km would be even better.


I fully agree, this is my main complain with Kurviger Liberty as well. Unfortunately, there are technical limitations that are not that easily changed. However, this is on my todo list and I hope that this can be improved in the future.

That said, Esri Streets is still available and everyone can use it :slight_smile:. I tend to switch between the different layers quite a bit.

Please give this another try, these roads should now appear earlier.

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In your screenshot in this area it looks very good. So far: Well done :+1:.

Thanks. Will test some other areas in the next days.

Now I tested with Kurviger Liberty some wellknown areas near my home, in france and italy. Additionally I compared with Esri streets and OpenTopoMap.
In my prefered scale (5 km in the hardcopies above) at some areas now even more easy to use roads are visible than in Esri streets!
That’s really a big improvement of Kurviger Liberty :+1:. Thanks a lot!

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Compared to Esri streets and OpenTopoMap at an other prefered scale (10 km in the hardcopies above) there are still some gaps :unamused:. There is still room to improve :wink:. Nevertheless a big Thank you!

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ok pour moi c 'est bon

How often do you re-render the Kurviger Liberty map?
I have just noticed that the Forschungsallee in Augsburg Augsburg | Kurviger is still displayed as “under construction” but in OSM (and in reality), this has changed nearly 2 months ago.

Interesting! I also JUST noticed a glitch like that near Niemodlin in Poland


There should be an update every 1-2 months. Right now we are a bit behind, the next update should be available in about 2 weeks.

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