The online maps load too slowly when planning

Ah, I think I might have an idea, is it possible that all of you are using the “Strict Browser Privacy”?

With this setting enabled, I can see cases where the Kurviger website becomes slow sometimes. It’s a bit weird, it is not really reproducible, so not always enabling this mode leads to issue, but it seems that in some situations, the strict mode or the custom mode with strict settings can lead to this behaviour.

Right now my recommendation would be to:

  • Disable this setting or reduce the strictness (or maybe it’s possible to add an exception for Kurviger). As you can see in the screenshot, Firefox is noting that this setting can lead to unexpected behaviour.
  • In my tests, using incognito mode / private browsing does not show this issue. So if you are concerned about your privacy and cookies, you could try this.
  • Use a Chromium based browser for Kurviger.

I am not 100% sure why Firefox behaves like this, I have a few ideas, but I haven’t found the culprit. That it’s not super reproducible does not help either.

today i tried Kurviger with Edge, its 100 times faster than in firefox on the same pc ???
Browser Privacy in firefox is set to standard.

I don’t like Edge, but now i have a workaround and can use Kurviger furthermore.
problem solved :slightly_smiling_face:

Since ~2020 Microsoft Edge is based on Chromium.
You can try any other Chromium based browser like e.g. Opera, Vivaldi, Brave, or Google Chrome

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Thanks for clarifying this. Maybe it’s related to some plugin that is active in Firefox? Do you have any plugins enabled?

now i have all plugins disabled, but no difference, still so slow.

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Thanks for letting us know, OK then we will have to continue search for the reason why Firefox is sometimes behaving slow :frowning:.

[EN] I think I have found an issue with the route calculated by Kurviger
[DE] Ich glaube ich habe einen Fehler bei der Routenberechnung von Kurviger gefunden

I’m a long time user with kurviger pro app. Now I decided to switch to the kurviger tourer version, but I found the website not really usable. Even I have a 1 Gigabit/s internet connection I can’t really create routes as the website is totaly slow. Sometimes it need several minutes to reload when you have changed a shaping point or just to move the map a little bit! Why isn’t it possible to load the map for e.g. hole country?

[EN] I read the corresponding documentation
[DE] Ich habe die entsprechende Documentation dazu gelesen

[EN] Here is a url to a short example (<10km) that shows the issue:
[DE] Hier ist ein Link zu einer kurzen Route (<10km) die das Problem zeigt:

[EN] Description of the issue and how it should work instead:
[DE] Beschreibung des Problems und wie es anstatt dessen funktionieren sollte:

Is a problem in Firefox. Use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome Browser temporarily, much better performance.

[Describe your problem, please try to provide as much information as possible]

(Debug information, this helps us helping you, you can remove this if you don’t want to share this data, it should not contain any personal or sensitive information)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0
Cookies Enabled: true

I moved your question. Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with Firefox right now. Please see the thread above.

A post was split to a new topic: Bug: Issue when saving a Route in the Kurviger Cloud