Straight Line (Beeline) (BUG?)

I am planning a trip to Scotland and need to take a ferry. I am using the website for building this route.

Ijmuiden (Start) to Newcastle (End) ferry, Kurviger does not route across the channel, it attempts to route overland. Most other routing websites and programs I have used in the past will route across the water. Kurviger does not?

So I thought I could use Beeline however the Beeline option does not show?

Is this intended behavior? It appears to be a bug to me.

Hello and it works.

Try doing the same from the ferry ports of each city.

I tried it your way and the Beeline option is not showing in any of the menus?

Is there a video showing how this works? Maybe I am doing something wrong? The documentation was not helpful.

You should also see the Beeline here, I think.

If it is displayed like this:

then click on

and then to

Or ja put your shapingpoint on the Ferry Line. (small blue line in the Ozean, zoom in!)
It is ehough to be close to them in the ozean, but enough far away from the coast.

Then there is no need for beline!

Thank you, that worked! I did not have Detailed waypoint list turned on. I was expecting to find Beeline available on the Curvature drop down menu. I believe it should be added to that menu.

I went back to the Knowledge-base and could only find one picture that showed the Beeline icon in the Detailed waypoint list. The picture is not identified. Your post was more helpful than the Knowledge-base and should be added to the Knowledge-base.

Thank you for the tip! I would expect Kurviger to offer that route when ferries are not blocked!

Interessant ist, dass folgender Link auch ohne Zwischenpunkt oder Flugmodus funktioniert:

Die Einstellung der Kurvigkeit scheint ausschlaggebend zu sein. Der Fehler taucht nicht auf bei ´Kurvig´, alle anderen Einstellungen erzeugen Probleme. (Die Schnellstraßenvermeidung muss auch aktiv sein, sonst ist der Landweg schneller :wink: )

Da muss man aber auch erst einmal drauf kommen! Vielleicht kann man das fixen?

“The curvature setting seems to be crucial. The error does not appear with ‘Curvy’, all other settings cause problems. (Expressway avoidance must also be active, otherwise the land route is faster)”

Ah ha! I did not think of “Expressway avoidance must also be active”.

I think we need another routing option ‘Shortest’ that should take the ferry then.

I see several suggestions in this thread now and will make a suggestion for each one.

Hi, you are right, but it do not work for any planing.
I think planning a route starting with the best parameter and than optimze is the best way.
Then my solution ist realy good. Then i don’t want to many regulations with avoidence.
Changing curvr-mode in special parts of the tour i always try at the last chance.
bevor i use shapingpoints. Because the route is calculated and i will make different.
That’s the reason wy i found my solution for ferry.

I, too, have problems routing ferries. There are many ferries in my area and routing them always requires some special approach. It may be using a beeline, placing a shaping point in the middle of the water, or placing shaping points on the docks at each side of the ferry route. Where I live the ferry routes are actually state highways so these special approaches should not be required. I route with no avoidances for toll roads or ferries. Still this is always a problem.

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I opened a New Feature thread here addressing the problems. Hopefully the developers will take note and make some changes?

Thank you all for responding!