New Route Profiles (Shortest and Beeline)

We need Beeline added to the Route Profiles so Beeline can be selected from the Curvature Menu. The documentation for Beeline also needs updating since there is no Beeline page in the documentation explaining where and how to use Beeline.

Also we need a new Route Profile ‘Shortest’ since fastest route does not always equate to shortest route. For example, I recently wanted to route across the English channel on a ferry and Kurviger refused to route using the ferry. Setting the Route Profile to ‘Curvy’ and ‘Expressway avoidance to active’ in some cases triggered routing to use the ferry (bug?). See this thread, Straight Line (Beeline) (BUG?) - #11 by Maxx18. Anyway setting Route Profile to shortest should trigger routing to the ferry every time that route is shorter.

see: Kurviger Tourer and Tourer+ [Kurviger Knowledgebase] - I think thats enough information about a simple route profile.

Really not! Selecting “beeline”, it would become valid for all not else specified segments. Have fun!

Again: No!

You are right. There is not explained the term “beeline”. In english the term is “Straight line”, in german it is “Luftlinie”.
In the documentation you find these terms, and what they are for:

EN: Kurviger Explained - User interface and terms (UI) [Kurviger Knowledgebase]
DE: Kurviger Erklärt – Bedienoberfläche und Begriffe (UI) [Kurviger Knowledgebase]

Scrolling (or searching there) you find:



In the forum often different terms are used and so missunderstandings and confusement are created.

What can we learn by this? It is helpfull to read the documentation to be familiar with Kurviger and the official terms for Kurviger.

Can we discuss this?

The problem with the page is the only pictures with the Beeline icon have no title so you do not know where to go in Kurviger to find the icon. I didn’t even know there was a ‘Detailed Waypoint List’ until yesterday. Also there is no explanation that the little bird icon represents Beeline. In my opinion this should be improved.

That is an excellent point and shows how I am still learning about Kurviger. And here is where the documentation failed to guide me to the correct solution.

Why can’t we have a shortest route? And why such a strong response? This is my first request. I tried searching the forum and did not find any explanation? Maybe I missed it I don’t know. So I have to ask here.

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So, which one is official? In the app it is called “beeline” on the pages you linked it is called “Straight line” and three sentences later in the text also “airline”. I guess people adopt first what is written in the app and that would be “beeline”. Can someone update the page on forum?


That’s really a problem in Kurviger. Even in website, app and documentation are used different terms for the same thing. That should not be. In a little team like Kurviger it should be possible to use unified official terms.

On the other hand, for searches it would be helpful when in documentation to the official term in Kurviger often used terms are added in the text perhaps in brackets.
E.g. official term “Straight line” completed with the additional terms in brackets (“beeline”, “airline”).


Thanks for the proposal.

To be honest, I don’t think that we should introduce a shortest route feature just because of ferries. I guess there are some arguments for shortest route, but the “correct” shortest route, is not great as it might use an awful road, if a better road might only be 0.1% longer. So I think in reality shortest route is not what most users would want usually. In special circumstances, you can always add a SP or use the beeline option to change the route.

I updated the page :+1:

Website and app should be very much the same terms? But yeah, in the documentation and especially in the forum it can simply happen that people use synonyms for a feature. We try to improve though :slight_smile:


Thank you for the reply.

I was just using ferries as one example where there could be a benefit. Primary benefits for shortest route are:

  1. Less wear and tear.
  2. Less fuel usage.
  3. Sometimes the shortest route can be a really special road. I found one in Croatia using shortest route with a different navigation app.

Also about awful roads, in my experience the ‘Avoid unpaved roads’ under ‘Avoidances’ will filter out the bad roads.

And in my experience I have never seen the shortest route only be “0.1%” shorter. In one case the road was over 25% longer and even as high as 50% where the shortest route was the more interesting road to ride on. This mostly happens in mountainness regions.

I do hope you will reconsider after reading these points.

Thank you for the website update!

I also want to say Kurviger has done an excellent job on the website for route creation. It is the best I have seen on the Internet. Google Maps has a slight advantage with addresses however everything else is much better that the competition.

I would place the Kurviger app in 2nd place which is a big accomplishment for such a small team!

Have you considered enlisting users to help with non critical sections of the website, app and documentation?

Thanks for the kind words!

Yes, I totally get these points. The thing is, adding one more routing profile is a very serious change that needs to be considered very well. So far we haven’t received nearly enough demand for this. So from our side we either need high demand for a feature or we need to clearly see a big benefit by adding a feature, ideally both. For the shortest route both are not a clear yes, so I fear we won’t be able to do this anytime soon.

Yes, so our documentation is Wiki, so everyone could collaborate, we have closed it down, so not everyone can sign up, but if you would like to work on our documentation, that would be appreciated, just let me know and we can work something out.

Other than that, we appreciate your input and support here in the forum :slight_smile:.