I personally do not use this very much during the navigation as there is not much that I can distinguish on it while riding - the details are just way too small.
Instead, I would prefer to see a smaller section of a route where it is possible to distinguish if there are some villages, passes, lakes or just some nice curvy section ahrad. Maybe also a route profile could be shown, to see if there are any steep uphill/downhill sections oncoming.
Implementation proposal: use a long press on the “Overview” button to get a similar view like shown when serching a gas station. In this case however, a section of the road between last and next via point could be shown. You could also have an option to jump to the previous/next section between two via points. The user interface could be very similar to what is used to jump from one gas station to the next/previous.
Thanks for the proposal. Anyone who would like to use such a feature, please vote for it and we can see what we can do. So for example we could limit the overview from the current position to the next via point and allow to switch between the upcoming legs or something like that?
That might be possible. If you need it, please comment why you would use
Let me try to elaborate my needs, without imposing a soultion.
Q: Why do I need an detailed overview?
A: I need additional information.
Q: Why do I need additional information?
A: I have to make a quick decision.
Q:: Why the decision needs to be quick?
A: Probably stopping is generally not safe nearby or the group is too large to stop and take time to study the options.
Q: What decisions may need to be made?
A: Some of decisions that I can imagine:
- stop sooner or later
- skip the next via point
- find a best direction to proceed in case of a road closure
- deviate from route to visit a nearby POI
Q: What information would be helpful for the above listed descriptions?
A: Some of the information that could be helpful:
time/distance to the next via points (next, first one after it, second one…)
road profile (e.g. is it curvy, steep or is it mostly motorway in next 50km…)
alternative route to the next via point (in case the road is closed)
close surroundings (town, lake or river nearby, parking on the road, panoramic points, gas stations…)
Q: How should the information be accessable?
A: If I am able to stop take my gloves off, pan and zoom-in/-out the map I would not necessarely need this feature. So let’s assume that the information needs to be provided while riding without putting to much workload on the driver and enable quick ad-hoc decisions that would at least not be completely wrong.
That would be it for now. Maybe not so interesting after all. Let´s see.
Thanks for adding more details here. I’d just like to ask a few follow up questions.
Would this work best with zooming to the next VP? Or maybe just an overview over the next 20km? What are you looking for here? Parking? Restaurant? Something else?
Because you know the POI? Or would you like to search for a POI?
While these are independent features - you might not want to change the route so you just want to ride on the map. Would this help you to actually see next via? Or would something like the next X km would help you even more?
Maybe I need to collect some more experience before I can tell more precisely what am I missing. Maybe just the ability to use already available featueres in my current setup (including user interface) would be enough. Currently for me it is not possible to zoom in/out while riding and I cannot use the gas station search efficiently (I can open the view, but jumping from one to the other does not work without touchscreen). Also another related request (Zwischenziele scrollen beim navigieren) to be able to show the time distance to all via pionts and not just to the next one would be a significant improvement.
But I’ll still try to answer your follow-up questions from the current point of view.
Also here, the ability to zoom out while riding might be sufficient to get a sufficient overview and decide in which direction to ride. I know zooming is generally available, but it does not work with my bike controls. Maybe also here improving support for OEM specific controls as well as 3rd party products would be more beneficial for Kurviger. But there is a separate thread for this which I only recently discovered.