Zwischenziele scrollen beim navigieren

Schöne 5.000 KM Tour mit kurviger im Juli gemacht mit Freunden zusammen.

Beim Navigieren mit mehreren Zwischenzielen wird mir lediglich die Fahrtzeit/Ankunftszeit des nächsten angezeigt.

Ich fände es angenehm, wenn man sich (ähnlich wie bei den Tankstellen) während des Navigierens durch die einzelnen Zwischenziele mit der Angabe der Entfernung und Zeit bei Bedarf scrollen könnte.

Vielleicht ist das ja mit wenig Aufwand umsetzbar.

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I think I just proposed a similar feature here:

Maybe merge the topics?

as far as i understand you i do not think topics are similar: I do not want another button in the menu and i use the overview button quite regularly.
i would prefer the ability to switch between the stopovers, to see how far they are and the estimated time of arrival ther / journey time to go there.

Ok. Maybe I did not understand your proposal correctly.

With “Stopover” (“Zwischenziel”) you probably mean the via points (blue marker), right? If this is the case, then I think the second part of my proposal to use a visualisation similar to “Gas stations” to jump between blue points (or sections between them) is probably similar to what you wish - have some additional information on a more detailed level. The first part of my proposal (adding functionality to existing buttons) is just how you could get to this new view…

What would be your idea - how would you imagine the scrolling you proposed to look like?

Das gibt es bereits nur nicht in der aktiven Navigation.

genau um die geht es

you see in the active navigation your next stopover. how far and when you reach it. it should be possible to switch between all of your stopovers showing this information in an active navigation.

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As I read und understand this, I also think your requirement is very similar to the description from @t00thl355.

While he describes in the idea to use the button for the overview in a different way, you want to keep the overview as it is - and just want to scroll through the legs of the tour?

As I understand we are talking about this.

Please give us an idea about this. Something like this, that you have two buttons to scroll? Or a list view? If list-view, may it hide the map? Something complete different?

Please check also here again. Robin has put the suggestion from @t00thl355 to the Planned Features, so users can give more ideas and usecases - and can vote.


it is like you showed in the picture: two buttons to scroll when there is more than one stopover.

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You are realy touch that small buttons ith your gloves? and possible by driving.
I have Problems to touch the normal buttons exactly with my Fingers. ok, not realy but close to that.

I rhink it would be better to wipe to the next one. then the whole Area for this information can be the target for your finger

i can handle the filling-station buttons quite well, so i do not see a problem with the stopovers when they are in similar size. wiping left/right or buttons … i am fine with both solutions.

Thanks for letting us know. Currently this is not planned. That said, if there is enough demand for it, we can always discuss about this.

Man kann es auch so lösen:

Mit nur 2 taps sehe ich das road book mit allen Angaben, die ich benötige.
Jetzt kann natürlich die Schrift etwas zu klein sein. Aber wer während der Fahrt an seiner Tour herumdoktert macht m. E. eh schon etwas falsch.


Instead of adding a ‘back’ and ‘forward’ button, how about just tipping on the stopover section jumps to the next stopover? And starts from scratch after the last stopover is reached to make it useable during riding? The wiping idea is nice, but I fear it does not work properly while riding - I always have my pleasure to use the standard buttons during riding even with smartphone gloves.

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wie kommst du aus der Navigation mit 2 Klicks zu dieser Anzeige?

Das würde mich auch interessieren, wie man zu dieser Ansicht kommt?

Und an die Programmierer: Aus meiner Sicht wäre diese Funktion sehr hilfreich, denn eine Tagesetappe zB immer in viele kleine einzelne Routen zu unterteilen, so dass man die jeweiligen Ankunftszeiten sieht, ist sehr aufwendig/umständlich.

Diese Ansicht stammt aus einer anderen Navigations-App. Es sollte damit nur die Anregung für eine “road book”-Lösung als Alternative zum Hin- und Her-Scrollen der Wegpunkte gegeben werden - mehr nicht.