Routing issues + strange behaviour


I’m using a BMW (= Garmin) Nav VI GPS. In order to ensure a faithful route transfer from Kurviger to my GPS I export the track that I would furthet convert into route into my NAV VI.
That said this is far from being ideal as I’m losing all my POI’s.
Hence I would prefer to work with routes but even though I add many many shaping points, when I reopen the route on my GPS routes between Kurviger and the (same) route on my GPS are always slightly different. Any advice ?

Another point: exporting track to GPS and then converting to routes. When driving data ie km and time to destination are becoming crazy although I’m well following the route.
Yesteray making a 221km tour and at ounce my GPS was showing me something like 5661km to destination - 22 hrs. Crazy. Any idea where this is coming from?

Thanks beforehand guys.

Note: would be great if Kurviger could organize webinars / classes :slight_smile:

The best tipp first: BMW Navigator ablösen?! / Replace BMW Navigator?! :wink:

I navigate exclusively with the Kurviger app (or now with Cruiser), but have fellow drivers who use the BMW Navigator. For these I create a GPX file with so many shaping points that the Garmin algorithm has little chance to change the route.
Here is my workflow: nWorkflow for Kurviger.pdf (510,7 KB) - just try it.

Many thanks for the tips, much appreciated!!!
I tried by hand (not using adding shaping points but the Garmin algorithm always ends up with slight variations…
I’ll definitely try to follow your guidelines.
Again many thanks