OSM - Kartenfehler

Vermutlich auch ein OSM Fehler: https://kurv.gr/2b5FD

hier kann man direkt geradeaus fahren, nicht tragisch, wenn man auf Sicht fährt, nur mit Sprachansage wird’s doof.

Nö - denn in BRouter wird einwandfrei geroutet und in Kurviger auch, wenn man “Schnellste” auswählt: https://kurv.gr/CM2un

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Danke für die Klärung - ob jetzt ein U-Turn auf einer Landstraße zu einer extra kurvigen Strecke gehören muß, sei mal dahingestellt :wink:

Today I missed a turn and Kurviger rerouted the navigation through a short, very steep and curvy street. This small street (Sjukenusgata), is apparently permanently closed by a concrete block and not by a swing gate. The block is located at the very top of the street aligned with the edge of the Borgundvegen. It could be easily passed by a bicycle or motorcycle, alhough the intention was probably to close it at least for motor vehicles. A car cannot pass the blockade.

How can this be modelled in OSM?

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This is not a legal way to make the right turn from Ålesundsvegen. What needs to be corrected in OSM?


You seem a little bored to me. :thinking:
But Alesund is such a beautiful town - go out and see it! :sunglasses:

:slight_smile: Or this makes just more fun.

You can try to set turn restrictions in openstreetmap. Click a point and follow the wizard.
If you are unsure, you can try out in your area, or test with one point, wait 3 days and see what happens in Kurviger.

You can add a barrier of type block
And than maybe motorcar=no or motor_vehicle=no
motor_vehicle includes motorcycles, motorcar applies only for cars.


In this case I think it really depends on the signs as well (and maybe even the local road rules). In general my assumption would be that if a vehicle fits and if there is no sign forbidding entry, I am allowed to use the road. So if the block is only blocking cars, then it should probably only be motorcar=no.

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I know, how it is done - believe me. But I don’t look after problems with this avoidances:

I know. With “you” I meant @t00thl355. I understood, he wants to know how it could it be fixed, not that we do it. I am also not a master, it is how I would try it.

The avoidances are perhaps just a test. At least this little route does not change, even when I remove it.

OSM seems to be correct - BRouter has no problem …

This is a really interesting observation. I surely did not set these avoidances manually - I just tried to recreate the isolated section of the much longer route, where the strange turn occured. I really do not understand how these restrictions appeared, but will try to recreate it (although I updated the app in the meantime, so it might not be possible).

Tremalzo darf doch nicht mehr befahren werden, oder? Weiß jemand genau von wo bis wo, dann könnte ich es in OSM editieren.


steht hier genau beschrieben:

oder hier:

:star_struck: :blush:


Danke habe es angepasst.