Ich bekomme immer noch die Meldung Route verpasst

Wenn ich eine gespeicherte Route importiere kommt die Meldung “Route verpasst” Was kann ich da machen?

ich kenne das Problem nicht, trotzdem der Hinweis:
Ein paar Zusatzinformatonen wären hilfreich!

  • eine Beispielroute als File oder Link
  • welche Anwendung verwendest Du ( Web, Kurviger Free, Kurviger Pro)
  • wie genau gehst Du beim Import vor
  • welche Optionen stellst Du beim Import ein

Ciao Markus

Nach dem Import auf das Routingsymbol drücken und eine der Optionen wählen. GPS sollte natürlich deinen Standort erkannt haben!?

A “Route missed” message happens when enable navigation and be away from the calculated route, so a rerouting is triggered.

Sorry, I got the “Route verpasst”/“Route missed” message today too. I tried to navigate from a place in Brandenburg to my home. GPS and data connection were available . This message is vacant and very annoying and one gets not any hint what to do then. Pleas fix this annoying bug and give us a better hint what to do!

thx, sc. honk

As explained above, depends if GPS sends location readings away from the route. Kalman filter (in settings) can help here.
Regarding the rerouting options can also check documentation.

Sorryx, Kalman is already checked and I start now losing my patience, cause the app is nearly not useful for me any more!!

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Could you please provide more details? What exactly are you doing? What device are you using? Could you provide a sample route where this happens. When is the issue occuring etc.

It happend as I told above. I use a oneplus 2 and I dont get any route, just the annoying message, so I cant post a route!
thanks for help and sc JL

Hi @honk,
if you don’t have a route, then you can’t miss it. :wink:
I am pretty shure, that Kurviger only creates a “route missed” message when GPS signal suggests, that you are off the route.

Could you please explain a bit more detailed what your steps are to get that message.

  • How did you try to get a route.
  • did you try to import it from the Website? If so, how?
  • did you try to create your route on the smatphone?
  • How did you try to place your waypoints? Via search function, or directly on the map.
  • In what order did you try to place the waypoints?
  • maybe a screenshot of the message?!

Any hint may be helpful, but without any further information, I doubt that anyone on the forum can help you.


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I often get this message when I navigate to just one destination

thanks for help! sc. JL

Sorry, I am not sure how to help you right now. Your described behavior, is not the usual behavior, so something has to be wrong.

We asked several questions to find out whats wrong. You have to provide more details. You can always read through our FAQ that covers many potential issues.

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While navigating a route can be missed if device GPS sensor reports locations away from calculated route, like when drive away from route.

Also depends on device GPS quality, if device can see freely the satellites and not have a “jumping” GPS all over the place, etc.

In next version we’ll provide a revised location service with higher accuracy and better battery performance.

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Also if use navigation in background, with closed screen, etc. it’s important to check the device battery optimization options for the app, see the documentation for more details.

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Hi guys,

I have the same problem as OP. Running on a Oneplus 5T I’ve installed the app two weeks ago and it worked fine on day one and stopped a couple of days later. Haven’t installed any other apps since Kurviger or done an update for the phone that could’ve triggered this.

Basically wherever I want to go (My location to any other spot or Point A to B) as soon as I want to start navigating it says Route missed and gives me the option to reroute which leads to the same issue again.

Have tried basically any setting (with rerouting and without, Kalman on/off). This way the app isn’t of much use to me either.

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Please try the new version.

Also need to provide more details for us to to understand the workflow.

Like you are outside and use the navigation with screen on or off?
Can you post a kurviger route + user location where this happens?

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i could solve the problem by myself

How did you do that?

after installing the last update, the bug seems to be fixed. Further, I lost my Oneplus (while Navigating with kurviger) and on my new phone the app seems to work better anyway, thank you!

Hi there,
I am experiencing the same problem: every five minutes or so, kurviger tells me that I missed the route - even though I am still on the route. Here’s what I did when this happened:

  • planned two routes on kurviger.de
  • one I shared via the QR code to the app, the other one I exported as .kurviger to google drive and imported it later on the phone.
  • Rerouting is turned of
  • using offline Alps.map
  • Kalman on
  • Huawei Mate 20 Pro in Holder above the dash.

One location where this happened was at 48.234042,11.219718. There is a traffic island(??? - Verkehrsinsel?) and it seems to me that the Notification was triggered because I was passing it on the right side (as supposed) but the route passed it on the left side. Now this is all based on memory, so no guarantee on this really being the case, but I think that the problem is not a bad GPS signal, but a to precise location. Does this make any sense? If so, is there any way I can supress this notification because it’s annoying as hell…
