"Zoom Lock" Button

I find the Auto-zoom/center feature very helpful during the navigation and most of the time I would not like to have it any other way (disabling it completely is not an option for me). However, when I navigate without recalculation and end up being off-route I need to zoom out to find the way back to the blue line. In such cases, I would like to have a button which would lock the zoom factor and help me keep the overview until I rejoin the route.

Maybe it could be implemented as a pop-up button similar to the screen orientation button, that appears only when zooming.
Alternatively, the countdown for 20s until automatic zoom/recenter could appear as a button and if you tap on it, it could stop counting and lock the map view.


Basically, I agree with you about keeping an eye on the route when you leave it (or have to leave it). But I wouldn’t go so far as to provide a button for this, there are actually already too many buttons. And to be honest, I would rather avoid ‘touches’.
In the first step it would be very helpful to get a hint that you are no longer on the route. And then I would prefer a solution that automatically zooms in such a way that your own position and a segment of the route that has not yet been travelled remain visible together for a relatively long time.
I’m not sure whether this would produce good results for all cases in 2D/3D, but in the north orientation I can well imagine the route and position being opposite each other at the edges of the map.

GrundsĂ€tzlich gebe ich Dir Recht, die Route im Blick zu behalten wenn man diese verlĂ€ĂŸt ( oder verlassen muss ). Aber einen Button dafĂŒr vorzusehen, soweit wĂŒrde ich hier nicht gehen, es sind eigentlich schon zu viele Button vorhanden. Und wĂŒrde ehrlich gesagt lieber “Touches” vermeiden.
Im ersten Schritt wĂ€r’s schon sehr hilfreich einen Hinweis zu bekommen dass man sich nicht mehr auf der Route befindet. Und dann wĂŒrde ich eine Lösung bevorzugen, die automatisch in der Art zoomt, dass die eigenen Position und, ein Segment der Route welches noch nicht abgefahren wurde, relativ lange gemeinsam sichtbar bleiben.
Bin nicht sicher ob das fĂŒr alle FĂ€lle in 2D/3D gute Ergebnisse bringen wĂŒrde, in der Nord-Ausrichtung kann ich mir das gut vorstellen, dass sich Route und Position an den KartenrĂ€ndern gegenĂŒber stehen.

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Yes, I agree and that is already on our todo list :slight_smile:

Yes, for something like this we had a discussion some time ago to touch the countdown flag to freeze the countdown. This is still on our todo list, but I agree we should try to minimize the requirement to touch the screen at all.

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FĂŒr uns (meine Frau und mich) war dies am Anfang unseres Umstieg auf Kurviger ebenfalls ein grosses Thema. Seit dem Einbau, Installation und Nutzung des Carpe Iter (Danke nochmals an Hobbyfahrer fĂŒr den genialen Tipp) hat sich das aber durch die Nutzung des BMW-Drehrades komplett erledigt. Meine Frau hat den autom. Zoom ausgeschaltet und zoomt mit dem Drehrad in die Karte bzw. durch antippen des Drehrades nach rechts ist sie wieder im Normalmodus zurĂŒck. Hat sich vor allem im GelĂ€nde und auf engen Kurvenfahrten absolut bewĂ€hrt. Ich dagegen fahre mit autom. Zoom und 3D und kann aber jederzeit mit dem Drehrad die Kartenposition Ă€ndern und anpassen.
ZusÀtzliche Button auf dem Display finde ich in Anbetracht der Grösse der Screen problematisch. Irgendwann wird es zuviel.

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I’d trade my “Recenter” button for a “Zoom Lock” button.

Maybe a compomise could be:
If I choose to use “Auto-Zoom”, I get the “Lock” button, I do not need the “Recenter” button.
If I choose NOT to use “Auto-Zoom”, then I need “Recenter”, but I do not need “Lock”.

You mean like an audio hint? Visually it is probaly quite obvious most of the time.

I’ll quote this when I make a proposal for improved support of remote controllers
 Still brewing the idea. :wink:

Yes, an audio hint. On my last trip i had a hand full situations where the route turned left or right, but I followed the road ahead because there was no routing announcement.

I’m not happy with the recenter button because it ultimately clamps three actions,

  • Zoom to default level
  • Recenter position
  • Automatic

and one of them somehow always doesn’t fit. But I can’t really solve this with more buttons or cascading button sequences. I would like to rethink the issue and rework the ‘one’ button.
One point that always ‘annoys’ me is the default zoom level vs. automatic. I would leave out the default zoom level and work between my last selected level and automatic when turning events occur. You wouldn’t need a button for that.
Recenter is also a point where I only need a button if my own position is no longer visible on the map. Such a button could ‘fly in’ similar to the rotation button. After ‘pressing’ it would then disappear again.
The whole thing paired with a map that continues to run as long as my position is in view, and does not stop and my position moves as it currently is.
So up to this point I only need a temporary button if my position is outside the map window.
If I now transfer this to your ‘offroute’ case, this would be implicit, because there are no turn-by-turn directions and therefore no autozoom, your last zoom position would be retained.

To summarise:

  • Automatic zoom always when an event occurs and never off
  • If no event, then last selected zoom level and position
  • Position does not move as long as within map area
  • “Flying in” button if own position is outside map area,
    • which then moves you to the last position, or
    • default position

It would even be really good if an event was zoomed in even when the position was outside the map.

So you are at almost zero button.


I hope someone is taking notes :wink:

I think, I will try riding without automatic zoom for a while, to see how it works for me and how often I have to press that Auto-Center really. Anyway, it appears to be a better option for riding without automatic recalculation.