Website: Straight-Line / Point Planning mode / Plotting a track on unsurfaced roads

When there is news, we will announce it.
Features are not implemented on their own.
You should be patient…

But do not expect it to solve all routing problems:
(and can not be used in navigation)

Bei einem Navi steht das Routing an erster Stelle.

Ob ein Icon links, rechts, größer, kleiner, blau, rot sein sollte oder
die Zoomstufe, die Schrift kleiner oder größer besser wäre……………

Das kann man ändern wenn man Langeweile hat, wichtig ist das Routing, navigieren……

Everyone has different priorities…
(especially if it can be solved better otherwise)

With just 10 votes, it is definitely not a popular feature…

This is a Civilized Place for Public Discussion


… plus 8 votes for the same feature in the APP.
And the next highest vote count for any feature is 2 … as far as I see.

I do not look at votes in development.

The most voted feature was the offline routing.
(nowhere to be seen)

Hello friends of kuviger,
Keep cool and more patient. All of the
Wishes can’t be developed in short time.
Also take in your mind, there is one developer for the App and one for the website. In the country emux live, the people’s have real problems and not only luxury problems like “there is a wrong blocked street”
Please be more patient and polite to the developers of our favorite App. You all know, kurviger is the best (and cheapest) available navigation app for motorcycle.


Thanks everyone for providing valuable feedback :+1:. This feature has been implemented on the Website.

Please let us know what you think about it and how it works for you.

This will be very helpful in planning a route that has a bridge or ferry that connects a road and the map used does not (yet) recognize its existence.

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