Want to save a route in the cloud, but get fail

The value of property “linestring” is longer than 1048487 bytes. - Code:invalid-argument

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Thanks for reporting this, can you provide a few more details how you created that issue?

I could reconstruct a similar message that way:
uploaded a gpx-file with over 1200 waypoints. At the upload it should be cuttet down to 350 wpts but I set it up to 5000. Route is about 25.000 km long.
Upload was ok and route was figured out, but when I tried to save it, got the failmessage again.

Thanks for the reproduction. OK, we know what happens here, you are hitting a hard limit here right now. We do have an improvement for this planned in the coming months. Until then, I would recommend to split this route into multiple routes.

We recommend to stay below a few hundred waypoints and a few thousand km for one route - we don’t have a documented hard limit as it always depends very much on your route.

If you navigate such a long route, I would expect that there are more possible issues.

So if possible split the route into several smaller parts.