USA POI Location Issue

I live in the US and try use Kurviger. I can find the smallest cafe in Germany when I search a POI in Kurviger, but I have issues searching POIs by name in the US.

Do I need to switch the search database? Any input would be appreciated. As a workaround, I search the located in Google maps and copy the longitude and latitude coordinates in Kurviger and save it with a meaningful name.

Here is an example:
Parker’s Maple Barn Mason, NH

Here are coordinates: 42.74146510075066, -71.72041298296278

Hi Tohau, I don’t know if you knew this but: Kurviger is based on map material from “” which is like Wikipedia for maps, anybody can edit it.

To me it appears that this specific place is not added into OSM at all:

So Kurviger has no chance to find it. Admittedly OSM is best-maintained in Europe, but also I would say the coverage in places like Australia or South-East-Asia is amazing as well. If the Americas are a bit underserved in your opinion that is something we need to keep in mind for the future.

However, the nice thing is: if you open OSM and edit in the places you know, then in 1-2 days every biker in the world can benefit from your edits :slight_smile: so I would strongly encourage you to use this opportunity to make this (your first?) edit in OSM. We can help you out if you’re having problems with the editor, just ask here in the forum


Thanks for filling in the blanks. I have added the business to OSM. Let me check it out in a few days.