Type of route to starting point

I sometimes have routes made through Kurviger with a starting location that is quite a distance from the current location. When you start, you can indicate that you want to navigate to the starting point. However, the same settings are then used to create a beautiful route to the startingpoint, while you actually want to get to the route as quickly as possible (same idea when navigation through cities). Can I indicate somewhere that the first part should be the fast route, without having to add the current waypoint as part of the route?

Up to now, I have understood

the following menu


as a “fast help”, when starting “slightly” off the planned route.

You are right, the newly created “start” is present only if you immediately start the navigation, so you cannot change the profile between the “newly created start” and the “original start, now waypoint”.

The you desire to do so, the way/workaround is to use the 3-dot menu to

show the current location


click on it and

add your current location to the route as a new start with route extension

Now you have your location as a new start and you may change the “profile” for the “approaching part” of your route as desired.

The alternative way is, if you want to plan a route with a distant start, you want to approach by the “fast profile” is

to plan at the beginning of the route a short part with the "fast profile".


Then, when using

the replace the start option at navigation start


you will be navigated to the next point by the “fast profile”…


Thank you for the workaround. I tried it and if I change the setting to highway for the first part, the route is adjusted a little, but is still on back roads and not on the highway.

Strange, it works for me, for my example above - Kurviger

it takes me from where I am to the "Start 02" by using highways and main streets...

Will you share your example, where it does not work?

How to share...

you have restricted

all kind of streets as avoidances...


…it is extremely hard for the algorithm to find ANY route at all…

The general recommendation is not to use avoidances as much, only for essential things, as to avoid unpaved street if you ride a heavy cruiser…

Try this for example, if you need to avoid ferries, unpaved roads (and the avoidance of using the same route when planing round trips, which is not applicable here) - Kurviger. As you can see, Kuviger takes you from Start to SP1 using highways and then using some smaller streets, without “doing wild things”.

My personal “best practice” is to use the “curvy road” as default, with some deviations only for the part necessary (here the first part of the route)

Personally, I do not even use any restrictions, but this is specific, as there are not many ferries where I usually plan e.g. and I ride a dualsport, so I do not mind unpaved roads…


use google maps to go to the start of the route by fastest way , much easier I believe


For using google maps you need internet → sometimes not available.
I’ve tried google also sometimes but it needs lot of traffic and my tarif is not too large.
→ not really an option

BR juschka