Transférer les cartes hors connexions sur la mémoire externe

[Describe your problem, please try to provide as much information as possible]

J’aimerais pouvoir télécharger les cartes hors connexions sur ma mémoire externe…

Ich würde gerne Karten außerhalb von Verbindungen auf meinen externen Speicher herunterladen können…

(Debug information, this helps us helping you, you can remove this if you don’t want to share this data, it should not contain any personal or sensitive information)
Device: samsung - SM-A536B - Android: 14 - WebView: 124.0.6367.123
App-Version: 3.3.2 - 2938
Screen: 412 x 915 px - 2.625dppx

Thanks for letting us know. This is currently not possible. Also see our offline maps guide: Offline Maps Guide [Kurviger Knowledgebase]