Tracciati meritevoli di essere percorsi - Routes worth taking

Tracciati meritevoli di essere percorsi. Sarebbe bello che i tratti di strada meritevoli di essere percorse siano evidenziate sulla mappa, senza interferire con elaborazione dei percorsi. L’utente se deciderà di percorrerla potrà inserire punti di passaggio.


Routes worth taking. It would be nice if the sections of road worth traveling were highlighted on the map, without interfering with route processing. If the user decides to follow it, he will be able to insert waypoints.

Meinst du landschaftlich schöne Straßen, z.B. so wie hier:
Do you mean scenic roads, e.g. like here:

oder so:?
or something:?

Das würde mir auch gefallen!
I would like that too!

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Kurviger keinen Zugriff auf die Michelinkarten. Es gab mehrere versuche in der Vergangenheit diesen Zugriff gestattet zu bekommen, leider ohne Erfolg.

Kurviger does not have access to the Michelin maps. There have been several attempts in the past to obtain this access, unfortunately without success.

Kurviger n’a pas accès aux cartes Michelin. Il y a eu plusieurs tentatives dans le passé pour obtenir cet accès, malheureusement sans succès.

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Aber muss man mir wirklich zeigen, dass hier Kurven zu erwarten sind:

Also ich hab’s noch nicht vermisst …

Übrigens: auch bei mir dauert momentan es Minuten, bis sich die Karte vollständig aufbaut. Und ich bin kein Telekom-Kunde!

Chi ha detto delle curve? Mica dobbiamo copiare calimoto!!
Come ho detto nel primo post e come ha ben capito Maxx18, intendo strade che hanno belle viste panoramiche…
Non sopporto chi vede la strada solo come un’insieme di curve.

Who said curves? We don’t have to copy calimoto!!
As I said in the first post and as Maxx18 understood well, I mean roads that have beautiful panoramic views…
I can’t stand those who see the road only as a series of curves.

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Hello Pasquale,
Agree with you, but the Data Source is OSM for Kurviger. The “Beauty” is not part of the Metadata. One of the most popular maps for the panoramic are Michelinmaps
ViaMichelin : Percorsi, Mappe, Ristoranti, Traffico e Alberghi
But as mention bevore, no access.

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