Subscription types


I am new on this community and also new user of kurviger. So far i have tried the free version, but i would like to buy the Tourer version. I see on the site there are only yearly subscriptions. A guy is mentioning on reddit about a lifetime subscription. Do you know if such option exists?


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Bonjour, attention tourer permet uniquement de fabriquer un itinéraire très détaillé, le déposer dans le nuage de kueviger pour ensuite l’exporter dans votre gps, si vous voulez naviguer avec kurviger directement (avec le son de la gentille dame et la carte qui défile) il faut choisir tourer+.

Hallo, Achtung, Tourer ermöglicht es Ihnen nur, eine sehr detaillierte Reiseroute zu erstellen, diese in der Kueviger-Cloud zu platzieren und sie dann auf Ihr GPS zu exportieren, wenn Sie mit Kurviger direkt (mit dem Ton der netten Dame und dem Scrollen der Karte) navigieren möchten Muss mich für Tourer+ entscheiden.

Ok, thank you for the input, but i am asking about the subscription plan; can it be lifetime or only yearly?

It can be yearly or monthly. Can be selected when clicking on the yearly (or monthly) graphic.


Hi stifler, when somebody only mentions something about a lifetime purchase, it’s probably an older post. A couple of years ago there was a one-time-purchase for Kurviger, but that is not possible anymore for us, we have ongoing server / support / development costs and a subscription model is the only thing that is making this project financially possible for us. I hope that there’s a plan that is right for you still :slight_smile:
Do note that there is always a free trial period, so you can check out if Tourer(+) is right for you

Ok, thank you for the answers.

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