Street name visibility via App

Im aware the street names are visible via the desktop verson by pressing R. Is there a way to remove the route line in the App version? If not will it be available?

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Hi Maci, have you perhaps made a mistake? When you press R, the route line disappears, but not the street names. Press W to hide the waypoints and S to hide the shadowpoints. But unfortunately only in the web version, not in the app.

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Hello, I was asking for the app version - to be able to remove the route line inside the app. When will this be availble?

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We can’t make any promises about timelines, sorry. We do have this on our todo list, the thing is, we need a good and accessible way to do this with some button or UI.

As a motorcycle rider, I want to be able to plan routes on the bike quickly, not on a laptop then have to export and import to my phone just in order to remove the route line. I like the functionality of being able to set strength levels of the various road types. But the fact that I have to zoom in on the phone to read the street names is not ideal. As a long distance rider myself, last minute route changes happen alot so everything needs to be available via the app. Waze even has a built-in motorcycle option with seeing the street names clearly visible via the app.