Route width and AutoZoomLevel

After all this generous Changelog, if think that Kurviger evolves slowly, can consider that it’s based on 2 people (1 for website + 1 for app) and we don’t have any big company resources to support us. :slightly_smiling_face:

And there is still not(?) any new feature topic for that or any user votes, so to see how popular is that idea in community.

ok, thanks.
a) yes, kurviger pro is already almost perfect and I love to use it.
b) no votes or no discussion in community ist not a proof sign that this is not popular… maybe people do not communicate their (secret) wishes (i.e. as me, I just came over this community, never heard of it before).
If you relate to “what is the users wish”: Is there a kind of survey for all the “wishes”, where at least this (small?) community can poll, which one should be developped with which priority?

In my opinion (and I read this in many other comments here), the speed-related zoom-level is definitely a big wish (at least as an option to set). I would be very glad if this climbes up in your feature-list-prio :wink:

New features category contains several ideas for app and website.
Those not tagged as “implemented” are still open for development (or vote).

Votes are just one coefficient in the non deterministic next feature algorithm.
Often the fast / easy features can be provided before the complicated ones.


ok, thanks. Now I understand (not seen before). I just added it…