Route does not save

What could be a reason that the route cannot be saved? I used another app to navigate and put the Kurviger in Follow mode. When I finished riding, I selecred “Pause/Stop” and then “Finish”. The app just continued trying to save the track, but well over a minute passed and it did neither complete, nor report an error. Do I have to be online to be able to finish the route? What happens if I am not online? Deadlock?

I did not take the snapshot of the version, but it is the 3.3.4, I updated it yesterday.

Were you online while trying to save? If not, you have the answer, the recorded route will not be saved. If you continue offline in follow mode all further cruising will be recorded until you stop recording and save successfully. If you want to save the route at a certain point of your trip and you are offline, you have to stop navigation and go to a place where you are online again. There you can save the recorded route up to stop of your recording (hope I was clear :wink: )

Understood. However, not being able to leave the follow mode in any way without going online does not seem as the best solution to me. But it is what it is.

For my taste, Kurviger relies too much on being online for basic functions.
One cannot load a GPX track without being online.
One cannot start the navigation without being online.
One cannot end the follow mode without being online…

The same way we can have offline maps, we could have offline pre-calculated routes and the follow mode could save it’s track in the local cache… I hope such features are on the to do list for the future and there will be a rework of the app to support meaningful use in offline mode.


Partially correct.

Yes, that is how the App actually works

The last loaded route can be started if you are already somewhere on it

You can stop the navigation mode and up to this point the recorded route is stored locally but not saved in the cloud

Regarding your proposal to store pre-calculated routes on your local device - we will discuss this in the team - in my opinion it is worth to think about such functionality, but I am yet not sure how to realize as you would have to synchronise your cloud data with your local navigation device.


Are there any conclusions from the team discussion?

After returning from a 14-day trip where I used mainly Kurviger to navigate, I would confirm that reducing the dependence on internet availability would be more than a welcome feature.

Use case:
One day trip ends (and the next one starts) in “offline condition” (no mobile network or wifi available). In this case it is not possible to end the last day-route and it is not possible to load a new day route on the next morning until you go online.

In my specific case, the android device is fixed on the bike and on some days we had to park our bikes in the underground garage where there is no network. On these occasions, after getting our luggage on the bike and getting ready to ride in the morning, I had to stop outside the garage, wait until Kurviger gets online, take the gloves off, finish and save the previous day route, select, load and start the new route for the current day, put the glove back on and only then we were ready to continue. Now, when I am alone - no problem, but we were a group of six riders, where others were slightly irritated because had to stop again, right after leaving the garage.

In a more general case, a similar situation would occur if you are riding through a non-EU land (e.g., Switzerland, Serbia…), where the roaming mobile data is quite expensive and you might want to have it switched off. In this case it might not be possible to get online anytime soon. In case of a multiple day stay in such a country, you could buy a SIM card from a local provider, but in case of just staying one night, it would not be worth the effort.


We are planning on improving the no internet case. This is a long term goal that we are working on continuously. This is a very important aspect for us, but this is a challenging task but you can expect to see improvements here in the future.