Round trips slidebar

I’m using the option “round trips” a lot.
The direction of the route is very handy.
However the distance slidebar is way to sensitive, and not able to give in the distance by hand like on the web.

Greetings Aldo.

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Thanks for the feedback.

Would it help you if the slider would be a bit longer?

Could you share which device you are using?

Are others having issues with this as well?

I’m using a Samsung Galaxy A6+, 6" screen.
A longer slider will help but i missing the option to give in a distance. Most of the time I want to travel 1 hour (60km) and that’s in the corner of the bar.


Especially for short distances it is hard for me to define a value.

Perhaps a circle slider as for direction? Or (and?) exponential, so small distances take e.g. half the way with more precision, for long distances bigger steps. A direct input should be avoided from my point to keep it simple and clean.

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Maybe a snap on every 25km on the slidebar.
That should be accurate enough to calculate a route.

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Thanks, I will have a look to see what we can do here :slight_smile:.

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