Reisedatum festlegen

Hello dear Kurviger team,
Since I’m currently planning my vacation trip for 2025, I’ve noticed that a few routes will be closed in 2024 due to construction sites or falling rocks. This is correctly noted in Kurviger and cannot be planned. However, some roads will not be opened next year.
Now to my question, is it possible to specify the date of the travel time in Kurviger? If not, my suggestion is to include this point in the menu settings, for example. This would make stage planning much easier and you wouldn’t always have to look it up on Google Maps.

Moin ,
Unfortunately, that won’t work.
The end of some closures is not foreseeable, on the other hand the classic winter closures are already visible today, but you can route through them.
Now to the classic, Norway Trollstiegen.
Closed in 2024 due to construction work.
Just do a beeline there.