In this case, there is no sign for 80 km/h, but end of limit of 70 km/h (it is my local area), what means 100 km/h. It is at least, what I remember from my driving lessons.
Aber vielleicht ist Kurviger ja nur der Zeit voraus? In Frankreich gilt ja bereits das Limit von 80 km/h (in Italien 90 km/h) - möglicherweise arbeitet man in Brüssel schon an einer Vereinheitlichung?
Current - and from my point correct - entry is
I am aware that Kurviger prefers explicit speed like …
… but as Kurviger shows a speed limit of 80km/h it is irritating. It seems to me that Kurviger gets the speed-limit somehow and reduces by 20% - as a defensive solution.
Any ideas to improve this as I am too shy to change the mappers correct entry maxpeed=DE:rural to the alternative entry above?