POIs during the navigation

Only out of interest: Am I the only one with this zoom level issue? With K2 I always zoom out in navigation mode to see the fuel stations for the next 5-20 km ahead on my route. Now with K3 this seems not possible anymore. And the fuel station icons are too small.
In planning mode everything is ok for me.


You are not alone :wink:
Currently, the navigation in K3 lacks so many features compared to K2 … :zipper_mouth_face:
I really hope that the current implementation is just a placeholder.
I don’t like the two bar design at all (top and bottom), because it consumes way too much of the valuable display space - even in portrait mode.


Mit Kurviger 1 bin ich zufrieden weshalb ich bis jetzt nicht gewechselt habe.

Die Größe der Tankstellensymbole in Kurviger 1&3 ist für mich OK,
vielleicht liegt es auch an der Farbe, mal auf Magenta wechseln.

Wenn Kurviger 3 weiter auf Einfachheit setzt
(und man den Nachtmodus deaktivieren kann) kann ich mir einen Wechsel vorstellen.

Kurviger 1

Kurviger 3

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@biker I tried to simulate your route with K3:
Here (in the web-version) I marked the “ESSO” station

In this screenshot the “ESSO” is visible (right of the location arrow)


Now zoom out just a little bit!
The “ESSO” disapeared.

And the same route with K2
You can see all the gas-stations along the route


Ja mit K3 ist die ESSO wesentlich schlechter zu erkennen als mit K2,
da ist noch Nachholbedarf.
Blaue Icon sind viel schlechter zu erkennen als Icons mit Magenta Farbe.


I moved the POI discussion to a new topic. I am actually surprised that no one complained about this earlier :wink:

The way how we show POIs during the navigation is something that we need to improve in the future. This is not something we have forgot about.

You can also try the OSM map, this is also available during the navigation, it shows POIs differently, but the zoom levels are the same.

This is something that will be improved in the future.


Hi, just to make sure, this ‘zoom’ process is not the answer to the request to show the distance to the next 2 or 3 gas stations on the route. The zoom is what i use today as a workaround. With the original request (tomtom or sygic alike) you don’t need to stop riding to check for gas stations.

That sounds promising … :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Yes, this is the preferred and something we are looking into as well :slight_smile: