Plus Codes (Opern Location Codes) and What Three Words (w3w)

Hi all,

what happened with short / easy location formats like Plus Codes? Both were supported already: What on earth is this? - Discussion / App - Kurviger Forum

I understand, that w3w is not supported anymore, as the license has changed: What3Word in v 3.2 - Discussion / App - Kurviger Forum, but why was the support for Plus Codes canceled? They are free to use and used for example in Google Maps and OsmAnd.

We do have Plus Codes on our todo list. The thing with plus codes is, the way Google Maps is using them, they are not free, they are using a modified version of plus codes and we would need to integrate their API. That said, we could do that. Integrating regular plus codes is probably not a big benefit. The only good use case I see for the short plus codes is to copy paste locations from GMaps to Kurviger.

If you see other use cases that can’t be solved without regular coordinates, please let us know.

In general the request for these seem to be rather low, but if anyone needs that, please report :+1:.

Are you sure about that? The shortened Google Plus Code creates multiple coordinate-locations, so in a second step, the nearest plus code to the given word-location should be the right location in more than >99% of searches.

OsmAnd simplifies it a bit. When searched for a google Plus Code, I think they are using always the closest shortened plus code, ignoring the text completely (which works even offline, so no API usage). Even that is almost always the searched location. When displaying, they always show the long form of OLC.

I agree, that this feature is not the most relevant one, but would make copying coordinates way easier, as they exist in so many similar but slightly different formats.

Yes, you need to send a search request with the location to Google, if we do this with our search provider some plus codes won’t work or show the wrong result.

Yes, that is one option, but as you said the result is not accurate.

I fully agree - and for that you can use “Map2Geo” or “Send to Navigation” as a workaround: