No speed or speed indication on IOS

my Iphone runs on IOS and my route recording is on standard. I don’t see any speed limits or speed indication.
Kind regards,

Hi Rudy, this info is currently only available in the Android App, but will come to iOS soon (along with the other configuration options for the info panel at the bottom of course)



I have been planning my tours with the Kurviger Cloud for a long time. At first I transferred the GPS tracks to my BMW Navigator V (which only worked mediocre). Then I used the Tomtom app, which works much better - but is still tedious, as the track first has to be imported into the cloud and edited.

But first of all, a big compliment to the developers. After a little familiarisation, Kurviger outperforms Tomtom (Garmin anyway) in almost all aspects of daily use on the motorbike.

But what both Tomtom and Garmin have, and what I sorely miss, is the display of the current speed and the current maximum speed.

On my second topic. I have just spent 8 days travelling in northern Italy. A few times I found myself in front of a closed road - without a recommended diversions. Now I would like to see the following in the app: “Road closed for xx km”, new route.


That is good to know but when is soon?

We don’t make any timeline promises, sorry. We are aware of it and it will be added in the future.

Hallo, ich habe auf diversen Screeshots gesehen, dass die maximal erlaubte Geschwindigkeit und die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit bei der Navigation angezeigt wird.
Ich schaffe es nicht diese Daten bei der Navigation auf meinem IPhone einzublenden.
Wo finde ich die Einstellungen und welche Karte muss ich nutzen ?
Vielen Dank im Vorraus

see No speed or speed indication on IOS

I moved the question and answer from other thread here.