New map generation?


i came to kurviger because we were using a lot of Motoplaner in the past. It had its advantages and its disadvantages, especially we have our problems with the non-googlemaps display of the map in kurviger.
All in all, we come to the conclusion that so far there is no “ideal” map display for what the purpose of kurviger is (considering all the selectable map types inside the icon in the upper right + googlemaps).

I have a rough idea of how it might look like. Is it possible, or rather, would it be possible to generate an ideal map display for the kurviger users? Is the map material data i some way accessible or diffrently generateable (other colors and displayed instances)? Who or which insitution would be the right one to ask?

Besides that, what is your favorite map display and why?

Best regards,


welche Google Maps Ansicht meinen Sie, Karte oder Satellit?
Ich persönlich verwende bei Kurviger die Ansicht OpenStreetMap DE (FAU)…
Weil man da im Gegensatz zu Google Maps jedes Detail erkennen kann, vorallem auch kleinste Wege und Straßen.


which Google Maps view do you mean, map or satellite?
I personally use the OpenStreetMap DE (FAU) view at Kurviger…
Because unlike Google Maps, you can see every detail, especially the smallest paths and streets.

In Google i use the map mode. In kurviger so far i used the Ersi Streets, but now realize that rather “Stamen Terrain” or “Top Plus for Germany and Europe” could be better.

The general questions seem to be:

  1. Width and type - leading to the question: What are you driving (car / motorbike) -> what kind of Streets do you prefer
    In our case (car), the roads must be 2 full lanes wide, and normally must not be yellow marked roads in google (national roads (Bundesstraßen)). There is normally too much traffic on these, more speed limits, and sometimes police.
    And it is very important that they are out of towns or cities.
  2. Terrain type (forest or fields) is less important but might be visible
  3. Height Lines are okay to know but also not that important
    Using Motoplaner, especially in France where there is google streetview, we checked on each road via streetview if it is wide enough, especially not gravel, and if it is already out of town.

Though it would be much better to have a direct filtered map view covering the requirements that are needed for kurviger driving (NO information about side walking paths, sub-building types such as churches, auberges, ski lifts, names of mountains, etc.).
All that is important to know: Where can we really drive? And the entire map view should be focused around that single question in my opinion…

Ok, ich hoffe ich habe Sie richtig verstanden, da ich aber Kurviger für mein Motorrad nutze sind mir so viele Details gar nicht wichtig.
Wichtig sind mir kurvige kleine Straßen, nicht allzu viele Städte und da ich eine Reiseenduro fahre, stört mich auch nicht unbedingt der Straßenzustand. :grinning:
Bei der App benutze ich die Offlinekarten und da kann man keine Ansicht auswählen, nur Ebenen wie Tankstelle etc.
Aber ich denke die Entwickler werden sich noch melden…

Ok, I hope I understood you correctly, but as I use curves for my bike, so many details are not important to me.
Important for me are curvy small roads, not too many cities and because I drive a travel enduro, the road condition doesn’t bother me. Grinning:
With the app I use the offline maps and there you can’t select a view, only levels like gas station etc…
But I think the developers will get back to me…

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Uh ok, so My favourite is EsriTopo mixed with OpenStreetMap, probably about 50/50.
Sometimes I use Stamen Terrain at the very beginning of a big planning block, too see where there is the least “civilisation” and then I try to find the hilliest regions with OTM. On the app I really like Mapillion, don’t know why exactly, judging from the design I thought I would hate it, but for mobile it has the right kind of “detail vs. Overview feeling”. And I do the planning on Web anyway.

To try and answer your question: no, currently there is no way to change the map yourself in the web, and there hasn’t been a discussion of whether to get new styles in a looong time (not since the previous default was deleted if I remember correctly).

The question is: what specifically are you missing? So far, There hasn’t been a desire to move closer to Google maps here in the community from what I can tell

My favorite map style for the website is “OSM (FAU)”. Mainly because it’s colors of street types are compatible with those of the downloaded offline maps in the Kurviger app. I somehow got used to it (even modified my Garmin maps in BaseCamp to use the same color style).

But I agree: it would be an improvement to have an additional style which filters all road types unusable by motorcycles. Just like in the offline maps for the app. Would be more clearly and therefore more comfortably to use while planning routes because you’de be less distracted by irrelevant details.

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