Navigation info not legible in bright sun

I have been using the new Beta for a few days after moving away from Calimoto and the main suggestion I have is to change the colour of information on the screen like Next turn, Speed, etc.

Right now it is dark-ish text/signs on bright background, which is far less visible in bright conditions (like sun) than bright text/signs on dark/black background. Calimoto uses the latter scheme and it is very legible no matter the light conditions.


Bonsoir, en simulation de navigation a 22:00 mon écran est inversé noir et blanc, je n’ai pas trouvé ou se trouvait le réglage dans kurviger, si on pouvait choisir le mode nuit ou le mode jour, ça serait parfait.

Ou alors c’est dans les réglages Android mais là non plus j’ai pas trouvé !

Actuellement, cela n’est pas encore réglable.

Thanks for the feedback, we will check what we can do about this :+1:

Same request here. Just did a 5 day trip with the new app, legibility under bright sunlight is mediocre. Previous app was better in this respect.