Lodging on the Website Map

I can see gas stations on the website, but not motels, even though I’m not hiding them. Am I missing something?

Hotels werden schon angezeigt, allerdings nicht allzu viele. Meine Vermutung wäre das es nur Motorradfreundliche Hotels sind.

Hotels are already displayed, but not too many. My guess would be that they are only “motorcycle friendly” hotels.

Well, I guess I’ll have to use AirBnB and hope I land near the one I booked at the end of the day…

Airbnb are not strictly motels, can be any lodging type & they have their database.

Fixed the title as the question basically is how to show more lodging types on map.

The hotels shown on the Kurviger website are hotels that cater especially for motorcyclists. We currently, don’t offer any way to show results from Airbnb or similar sites. In what area are you looking for a hotel?

I’m not sure yet. I will have waypoints if I ride to TX next summer. I told the people in charge “Keep me out of cities and off highways.” I have no idea where I’ll end up though. I was just noticing that if I was still on the road at about 8, I’d like to see hotels/motels that were in the neighborhood.

Yes I fully understand that and maybe at some point we can add this in a more generic sense to Kurviger, but for now, we only show motorcycle friendly hotels / accommodations on the map. I will see if we can add some in TX :slight_smile:.

Need to note that these are for the overlay layers in toolbar, e.g. motorcycle hotels.

Each map already shows many elements, like hotels, depending on map selection.