Impossible to plan an itinerary to cross barage de la rance

i am planning an itinerary and there is no way to cross the barrage de la Rance
why ?
here web site of the bridge/dam you can see car on it

i want to go from 7 to 8 with not going back south

For me it is working
Would you mind sharing your route (on the website there is a share button)

here it is

Hallo Punkt 7 und Punkt 8 sind auf unterschiedlichen Straßenseiten, wenn Sie die 7 verschieben passt es.

Hello point 7 and point 8 are on different sides of the street, if you move the 7 fits it.

Thanks, I did not know it takes into account the side of the street

Hallo, wenn Sie komplett ran zoomen sehen Sie das die Spuren getrennt sind. Bei Autobahnen in Deutschland ist das ebbend so. Die Spuren sind als “Einbahnstraßen” getaggt, deswegen kann Kurviger gar nicht anders.

Hello, if you zoom in completely you will see that the tracks are separated. On motorways in Germany it is ebbend so. The tracks are tagged as “one-way streets”, so Kurviger can’t help it.

You have checked avoid motorways (Eviter les autoroutes), so Kurviger tries to avoid it.
For Kurviger the “D 168” is equivalent to a motorway OpenStreetMap highway=trunk