I can't activate email

I request again and again and I do not receive the activation email
user: francis8
I have already paid the 14.99

Sorry for the troubles. I removed your personal email from this thread. I just sent a password reset to your email (to test your email reception, it’s sent through the same server). I verified that the email was successfully sent to your hotmail address:

2024-04-10 16:43:56 hotmail-com.olc.protection.outlook.com (the time is in Berlin time / CEST).

Please check your spam folder or check back with hotmail if it is not in your spam folder, the email was sent successfully on our end.

confirmed a week ago.
I don’t have it, it’s spam and I still don’t receive it.
However, I do receive an email from this chat notice.

Interesting, the forum is using the same mail server. If you want, I can set your account to verified. I am not sure why you don’t receive the verification email. Our mail logs show that the email was received by hotmail. If hotmail does not forward it to your inbox, I am not sure what we can do on our end.