How to become a kurviger client as to be ride leader to these 2 kurviger routes

this seems like a bizzare thing to ask, but here it goes.

I have been a kurviger client for years and have subscribed and renewed to all kurviger services when I seem them.
For me everything works and I can plan rides and lead rides at will.

I have created the following overnight trip I have called “beastmode” and will be leading a group ride. for those that care for details, here are those URL(s)

Beastmode has generated such vast interest the attendance will be beyond my ability to lead solo.
I need to split the group into pods each with their own leader.
The few people I know that have kurviger won’t be comming.
I have long since forgotten how to become a kurviger customer all I do is keep renewing for a year when things come close to expiring.

My goal is for my pod leaders to consume the above codes and receive turn-by-turn gps navigation so that they can be the pod leader and faithfully lead my route.
If someone is an Android phone owner
what do they buy? where do they get it? How much for a year’s worth of service?

 if there are multiple things to buy is there one stop shopping for all of it
 or do they need to get something from google play store then go to some url and buy something there too (what url).

If someone is an IOS phone ower, exact same questions
what do they buy? where do they get it? How much for a year’s worth of service?

the point and purpose of the post is so that I can provide exact instructions to my future kurviger ride leaders.

As things are now I kinda feel like saying “I do not know how I did it, things just work for me -always has” you figure out how to make it work for you.

Hey, this is really a new kind of request, however I am more than happy to give you an answer.

Just to be sure that we do not talk at cross purposes, actually you are using the latest Kurviger version (K3) on your mobile for navigation?

We offer K3 for Android as well as for IOS, the user just has to select it in Google Play Store / Apple App Store and install it. Detailed information regarding subscription and features are described here:

If the other pod leaders already have a motorbike navigation device you may provide them with a gpx file out of kurviger - in this case they can import it but have to verify that the route on their device is identical to one you gave them.

Personally I also organize biker meetings twice a year with exactly the same task. So I export a gpx file with following parameters - that worked well in the last 5 years:

So I hope this answers your questions - else let me know :slight_smile: