Group rides

When riding motorcycle (or cars…) in groups, it often happens that traffic flow and traffic lights separates the group. It would help if you could get the app to keep track of each member in the group. It could then give the “leader” navigation as normal, and give everyone else navigation directions for how to get to the “leader” if the distance goes over a certain limit.

If the buddies are shown in the map, it would be nice, but not necessary. Likewise, it would be nice, but not necessary, if the “leader” get a notification that someone is lagging, so he can slow down.

This way, the group can ride in a more relaxed pattern, and doesn’t have to take unnecessary risks to keep up.

Ich persönlich sehe für so eine Funktion keinen Bedarf… als Erster schaue ich immer in den Rückspiegel; führe ich zb keine Gruppe größer als 5 Leute, alles andere empfinde ich als Stress; nach Möglichkeit hat der Letzte eine Verbindung zum Ersten über Cardo, Sena etc.
Sollte so eine Funktion tatsächlich realisiert werden, bitte mit Abschaltmöglichkeit.
Zudem gebe ich zu bedenken, das für so eine Funktion Internet vorhanden sein sollte.
Wenn man sich aber mal die Diskussion zum Offlinerouting anschaut, wo fehlendes Internet das Hauptargument ist, weiß ich nicht wie das funktionieren soll.

Personally, I see no need for such a function… I’m the first one to look in the rear-view mirror; I don’t lead a group bigger than 5 people, everything else I perceive as stress; if possible the last one has a connection to the first one via Cardo, Sena etc…
If such a function should actually be realized, please switch it off.
Furthermore, I would like to point out that for such a function, the Internet should be available.
But if you look at the discussion about offline routing, where missing internet is the main argument, I don’t know how it should work.

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Genau! Der Vorfahrende(egal an welcher Stelle in der Gruppe) passt immer auf seinen Hintermann auf. Soll heißen, er wartet solange bis wieder Sichtkontakt zum Hintermann hergestellt ist.
Außerdem wartet der Erste der Gruppe an jeder (möglichen) Abzweigung bis der Letzte aufgeschlossen hat.
Das ist die sicherste Methode um bei Pannen oder Fahrfehlern schnell reagieren zu können. Außerdem ist so ein falsches Abbiegen einzelner Gruppenmitgliedern “fast” ausgeschlossen.


Hey guys, when the original poster asking th question was doing so in English, please try to keep the conversation in that language. It would be really sad if you could theoretically help somebody but then they feel turned away by the foreign language. Yes I know they could use a translator as well but please try to think like a “service provider” when answering a forum question :slight_smile: thanks!


Thanks! I understand German somewhat, even though I don’t speak it (it’s 35 years since I studied it, and only for 2 years).

One, might discuss how one should ride in groups, but the fact is, sometimes the group does get separated. Also, if it’s a large group, you really should let other traffic pass, or you’ll become a traffic hazard. It also makes it possible for one rider to stop for a leak, without everyone having to stop.

Yes, it requires internet, but face it, internet is ubiquitous on today’s phones. Even if it sometimes lose connection, it’s at worst temporary, so you can just continue to ride for a while, and then, when the connection is re-established, find your buddies. At least in the EU, data roaming is free or very cheap (thanks to the Pirate Party, who pushed hard for that legislation), so even if you ride in another EU country, it’ll work.

As for various communication devices, the one’s I’ve tested are line of sight only (exception: walkie talkies with headset), so if the groups get really separated, they won’t be of much use.