GPS Navigation incorrect

GPS navigation incorrect
Since this season I have had the problem that the update of my current GPS position is very delayed and sometimes displayed incorrectly during live navigation. It often happens that even when the vehicle is at full speed, no movement at all is displayed (no, not in the tunnel, but in the open air). These dropouts make navigation impossible and therefore the app useless.
What’s going on there?

PS: When I travel by car and use Google Maps, navigation works perfectly with my Samsung A41.
Somtimes i use a hiking-app and it also works well.

May you are too fast :wink:
ok, in your system you can switch between Google location an Android location… also there are more options to make it more accurate.
Use Google’s location. And check are there more options for accurate GPS location.

Yes, i know this option, but its always on google location.
Is there anything else i can do?

As i mentioned before, i only have gps problems with the kurviger app. Last year there were no such problems with this app.

Maybe you need to give Kurviger the permission to use “exact location”

Thank you, but the exact location is for kurviger app already enabled.

Have you tried switching to Android? Usually Google is the better option. On some devices Android works better though.

Just to make sure: the navigation is in the foreground, meaning you have the Kurviger app open and it is visible the whole time, so no locked screen or other apps in the foreground?

My problem has been solved. I carried out a regular system update, after which navigation was possible again as normal.

Of course, I’ve already tried to get an improvement via a system update, which never worked. The update I installed was only available since last week.