Exporting Favourites from the Web App

Hello all, I have trouble figuring out if I can export my favorites that I have added to my account on the Web App.

Use case: I am planning a tour and I have marked POIs and places where I can sleep in two different folders. I was hoping that I can export these lists as a GPX file or something like that so I can import them on my phone or throw them at Google Maps and the like. No luck so far.

I am talking about these favorites:

I can neither export them one by one, nor is there an option on the folder level. Other than throwing the laptop in my bag, I dont see a way how I can utilize these favorites on my trip.
Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

Import and Export is possible (see marked icon):


Tooltip for this icon:


When tapping the icon then there are some options (including Import and Export):


Thus you are able to handle the favorites not only in the cloud, exchange from and to the cloud is possible.


I completely missed this icon! Thank you. :slight_smile:

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