Crash detection with SMS notification

I know, I know… I’m expecting those comments ranting about people wanting Kurgiver to everything, even brew coffee or beer during side road stops :yum: But I really think this would be another differentiating feature for Kurviger, that not only a few of the competition apps have, but they overcharge for the feature.

I know that crash detection algorithms are a pain to develop, and I don’t know if there are any open sourced ones that can be adapted for Kurviger.

Keeping things simple it would allow for a given amount of timeout time so the rider could cancel notification if it would be a false positive (or we just don’t want to worry our people), and not being canceled, notify a small list of recipients (I think 2 or 3 should suffice; 1 would already be great) about the possibility of a crash, sending the current coordinates. SMS would be sent directly through the phone, so no costs or 3rd party APIs to worry about for Kurviger dev team.

Yes, you’ll be riding on some stretches of road with poor or no cell coverage, but most will, and imho it’s best to have a safety feature like this that can be used most of the times and not some of thebtimes, than not having it at all. :man_shrugging:t2:

If you ride alone through not often or never ridden roads, this is perfect for you. :+1:t2:



what other navigation apps have such a function?

Do you really think it makes sense, because comparable functions have almost every smartphone and smartwatch built in today.

Yes, I do :slightly_smiling_face: otherwise this topic would be a waste of kb in the database :wink:

Detecht has this feature for example, and is something that differentiates it from other rider apps.

Regarding almost every phone having this feature, erh… really? :thinking: not even my S20 has it built in… so not quite sure what smartphone segment you are refering to :man_shrugging:t2:

A good crash detection algorithm has to account for the particularities of the motion of a bike, not just ‘I was moving at 100 kmph ans now I ain’t’.

For a reliable motorcycle fall detection there are manufacturers who specialize in this. BMW offers it ex works and Tilsberk for retrofitting TILSBERK | Notrufsystem DGUARD.

I know man, but at what cost?

What if you want an infrequent safety net for when you are riding alone from time to time?

There is no reason this can’t have a proper implementation on a smartphone, when most now already come with 3 axis accelerometers, for example. (Not quite the whole feature you were suggesting)

But hey… just a suggestion, right? :man_shrugging:t2:

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Have you already looked for apps? I’m sure there are already solutions for that.

I generally agree, crash detection would be a nice addition, it’s not something we are looking into adding anytime soon to Kurviger.

Apple launched crash detection in their devices, I assume other manufacturers will follow that trend. AFAIK Samsung had it on some devices, but had to remove it because of too many false positives.

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La application Liberty Rider intègre la détection de chute et le suivi de route

Route tracking might be overkill and difficult to implement. It would require external resources, and that leads to potencial added project costs.

For that I think Google Maps location sharing feature should be enough and out of the box in most Android smartphones. iOS phones might also have similar feature (sorry, don’t know enough to confirm).

But crash detection I can see as a great added feature for Tourer+ subscription :sunglasses:

J’utilise liberty rider quand je suis seul, le système envoie par sms un lien aux personnes que vous avez choisie qui peuvent suivre votre parcours sur internet. En cas de crash (vitesse zéro en quelques secondes et gyroscope bizarre) le système vous appelle, si vous ne répondez pas le système appelle les secours (pompiers en France) en donnant votre position exacte. Cela rassure le motard.

Je ne sais pas si ça fonctionne hors de France.