Cannot start navigation

What’s the problem if navigation cannot be started?

All I ever get is window “upgrade now” or “start follow mode”
I have already upgraded to “Tourer”

Hello and you need Tourer**+** as a subscription.

I have the Tourer subscription without + and it costs 14,95€/year.
Are you saying I’m paying for it and it will not navigate me, just show me funny pictures of the selected map/route?
If thats the case I will cancel immediately… would be nice if you or someone could comment on this… thank you!

The different subscription variants are explained in the premium overview.

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Hi Carmen, I’m very sorry this was confusing and did not work as you expected. I really hope that you will give Tourer + a chance, we really tried to cut the prices as close as we could and it’s still much cheaper than other comparable solutions you can get.

In either case, I would love if you could give us some feedback on how this misunderstanding happened. Where could we have communicated the feature set better? Thanks!

What a scam…:confused: thanks for the hint

I find that an audacious statement.

The “Kurviger Tourer”, does not provide turn-by-turn navigation or voice guidance. In my opinion, releasing a navigation product with such deficiencies is extremely dangerous.

Utilizing this for navigation distracts the user from focusing entirely on the road, which is unsafe. I believe it is highly irresponsible, at best, for a company to allow the release of a product with these shortcomings, and one might even argue whether it should be considered punishable.

I sincerely hope no one gets hurt because of this, and I strongly urge you to reconsider this licensing level. It is essential for the safety of all road users to ensure navigation apps are comprehensive and support full attention to driving.

I am sharing this in hopes that it will encourage a revision and update to ensure the safety of all Kurviger app users. Safety should always be the priority, and I believe that addressing this issue would uphold Kurviger’s commitment to its users’ safety. Let’s work together to create a safer environment for all riders.

Hello but I do not understand your first post.

Kurviger is a planning tool and planning can be done in all three subscription models. It is very clearly described in the subscription model that only with Tourer+ also a navigation incl. voice guidance with the Kurviger app is possible.

What is the security problem for you now with possible criminal consequences (although this is of course nonsense)?

If you want to use navigation, just book the Tourer+ subscription. What is preventing you from doing so?

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For navigation you need a Tourer+ subscription @jenoksen

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@jenoksen I welcome you to the forum and thank you for the education and kindness you have shown in your first message. Messages like this help improve the application and the community that has formed around it.

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I am aware that the “+” subscription tier grants proper navigation functionality in the Kurviger Tourer application. However, it is extremely rare for GPS apps not to include basic navigation in even the most fundamental subscription packages, making this a surprising oversight for many new users, myself included. This feature is indeed highlighted in the subscription details, yet it can easily be overlooked.

By offering this level of subscription without sufficient navigation capabilities, there is a serious risk that individuals might misuse the feature, putting both themselves and others in harm’s way. It is a company’s duty to avoid integrating potentially hazardous features into its products, and I believe that offering subpar navigation functionalities fails to meet this standard of responsibility.

Unfortunately, we can’t provide our app for free. Believe it or not, we do have invoices that need to be paid as well. My landlord won’t let me live here for free. Even though living is the basic feature of an apartment. If I had no apartment and had to live on street, that would be dangerous as well, but I doubt my landlord will be impressed…

I don’t agree with you on this. It is the riders/drivers responsibility to focus on the road safety as a number one priority. You should never operate your smartphone wile riding/driving. If you don’t feel safe looking on your smartphone, you should not. It is the drivers/riders responsibility to always follow the local laws (most forbid playing around with anything that could distract you). We also show a warning like this when you first start the navigation.

We offer a set of convenience features (voice instructions, automatic recalculation, etc.) that make it easier to follow your planned route.

A few years back people drove around with paper maps and they were able to handle this as well.

Not really. To name a few examples: Sygic and Copilot. Komoot require you to either purchase the subscription or purchase the region, otherwise no navigation is possible. I guess there are many more.

For example at Google Maps and other “free” navigation software you pay with your data. They track your ride to get traffic data that is sold to third parties.


I’m not opting for a free app, I’m expressing my concern that you include a feature “Follow”-navigation a functionality that i think is reckless considering your primary user-group is MC riders. Anyways, I’ve expressed my concern, and I will consider to upgrade to + next season, as i really enjoy the app.

best regards,

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Hallo, unsere beiden Protagonisten verstehen leider nichts von Kurvigers Philosophie, ich hoffe für sie, dass sie beim Kauf von Produkten im Internet lesen, was sie kaufen, um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden!

Was Kurviger betrifft, kaufen viele Benutzer den Tourer nur, um ihre Routen sorgfältig vorzubereiten und sie dann in ihrem persönlichen GPS (Garmin, Tom Tom usw.) zu verwenden, zu dem auch ich gehörte. Wer auf das eigene GPS verzichten möchte (oder keins hat) und sich das Leben mit einem regenfesten Android-Smartphone leichter macht, kann den tourer+ kaufen und direkt mit dem Smartphone navigieren.

Da haben Sie es, das ist sehr einfach zu verstehen, ohne sich auf Kommentare zu Sicherheit oder Täuschung einzulassen

Bonjour, nos deux protagonistes non malheureusement rien compris à la philosophie de kurviger, j’espère pour eux que quand ils achètent des produits sur internet ils lisent ce qu’ils achètent pour éviter tout malentendu !

Concernant kurviger, de nombreux usagers n’achètent que tourer pour préparer finement leurs itinéraires pour les exploiter ensuite dans leur gps personnel (Garmin, Tom Tom, etc) dont je faisais parti. Pour ceux qui préfèrent ne pas utiliser leur propre gps (ou qui n’en possèdent pas) et se simplifier la vie s’ils ont un smartphone Android étanche à la pluie, ils peuvent acheter tourer+ et naviguer directement avec leur smartphone.

Voilà, ceci est très simple à comprendre sans se lancer dans des remarques sur la sécurité ou la tromperie.



Oh Jenoksen,
sorry, but shame on you.
Kurviger does have Turn by Turn Navigation AND Voice Guidance.
Turn your speaker on and see. Oh… it does. I’m using my Samsung Buds Pro. VERY NICE!
My Nav-Device is a Samsung S20.
On the left top of yr nav-screen you have the Turn by Turn Navigation visualized.
I plan our routes always with kurviger and send the gpx to my friends.
For example BMW F900XR with the normal display-navigation ONLY shows arrows and meters.
No voice communication at all!!! That’s BMW!!! UNSAFE??? For sure!
I’m highly convinced using Kurviger for many years now.
RTFM is always a good starting point.
Best regards an succes by learning kurviger.

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My concern is the"Tourer" su

Leider ist in der heutigen Zeit oft der Finger beim click schneller als das Hirn mit lesen folgen kann.
Um den Unterschied der beiden Bezahl-Versionen offensichtlicher zu machen könnte man den Tourer (ohne +) auch umbenennen zu “Planer”

Umbenennen ist immer schwierig, das kriegen dann viele nicht mit, hatten früher vielleicht Tourer, das heisst dann Planer und dann weiß keiner mehr was man eigentlich hat, daher haben wir den bestehenden Plan gleich gelassen. Jetzt ist es so, lässt sich jetzt nur noch mit sehr großem Aufwand ändern :wink:

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Ik heb het product Tourer van Kurviger, heb een route gemaakt maar kan deze niet starten in de app. Hij geeft dan aan dat ik Tourer+ nodig ben, terwijl als ik op de lijst met verschillen tussen Tourer en Tourer+ kijk ik dit met Tourer ook moet kunnen. Hoe kan dit?