App: Navigation nearby POI

Ps. Any news on this? Thanks

No, I will see how it could be implemented.


I lovingly encourage you to work on it. Thanks.

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ich habe einen Verbesserungsvorschlag bzw ein Anliegen.

Ich bin mit einer Vespa GTS 300 unterwegs auf Tour. Diese hat leider “nur” eine Reichweite von ca. 180 km weswegen es mit der Tankstellenplanung manchmal etwas “spannend” ist, vor allem abseits der großen Routen oder in den Alpen. Man ist im Prinzip immer am hadern ob man besser schon nach 100km bereits wieder tankt weil man nie weiß was noch so kommt - oder auch nicht kommt.

Wäre/ist es möglich auf dem Navigationsbildschrim eine Entfernungsanzeige zur nächsten Tankstelle (egal wo, auf, neben, vor, hinter der Route etc.) einzublenden???!

Dies wäre insofern hilfreich als das man abschätzen kann ob man tankt oder eben noch weiterfährt → Restreichweite vs. Entfernung nächste Tankstelle. :sunglasses:

Das man sich die Tankstellen anzeigen lassen kann ist mir bewusst und das mache ich auch so. Aber ich will ja auch mal nach vorne schauen und Landschaft genießen und nicht immer mit dem Daumen auf dem Display Entfernungen schätzen :crazy_face: Vielleicht bin ich auch nur eine Minderheit mit der Vespa und der GS Fahrer möge müde lächeln :smile:

Ciao Lorenzo


I have a suggestion for improvement or a concern.

I’m on tour with a Vespa GTS 300. Unfortunately, this “only” has a range of approx. 180 km, which is why it is sometimes “exciting” with petrol station planning, especially off the big routes or in the Alps. In principle, you are always struggling whether it is better to refuel after 100km because you never know what will happen - or not.

Would / is it possible to show a distance display to the next petrol station on the navigation screen (no matter where, on, next to, in front of, behind the route etc.) ???!

This would be helpful insofar as you can estimate whether you are refueling or just driving on → remaining range vs. distance to the next petrol station.

I am aware that you can view the petrol stations and I do that. But I also want to look ahead and enjoy the landscape and not always estimate distances with my thumb on the display. Maybe I’m just a minority with the Vespa and the GS driver, smile tiredly.


Is indeed the same request. But there has been no movement on the topic anymore. Sadly

Many features await the attention of the single developer.
Please be patient, we will see what can be done in future.

Also could be combined with:


Single Developer - I know. Tough work!
The “next fueling station” function derived by calimoto should be implemented into kurviger soon. The only thing that is missing by now in my opinion. But I don’t know how much programming work this will be :thinking::relaxed:


Daß seit zwei Jahren für dieses Feature nichts geschehen ist, ist eigentlich ein NOGO!
Bitte Team . . . eine Click/Click Lösung für [ Nächstgelegene Tankstelle ] einarbeiten.
Bei den modernen Motorrädern mit den kleinen Tanks extrem wichtig.
Aus diesem Grunde benutzte ich parallel Calimoto . . . mit zwei Clicks kann man die Tour erweitern, zur nächstgelegenen Tankstelle. In den Bergen z.B. wo man ja keine Adresse von einer Tankstelle kennt extrem wichtig

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Ich füge meine Tankstops schon bei der Planung ein und gut is.

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View of gas stations in Kurviger app

Zoom to the one you like, long press on one, and add as waypoint.


GraphHopper search does not support searching along route lines (only inside bounds).
So something else is needed to find the POI and then use them in navigation.

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Bitte… be fair! Don’t forget that a lot of new (more or less essential) functions have arrived. During this time @devemux86 did not even for a moment stop working on improving our favorite Kurviger, and it does it with great consistency, teaching us patience :wink:


That is your solution. Please respect that others so not find this a workable solution. Thanks

naja - auch 'ne Lösung!

Ich mache es wie linux-user App: Navigation nearby POI - #27 by linux-user - glaub’ mir: es funktioniert!

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Ja! diese Lösung habe ich inzwischen auf gefunden . . . nachdem ich in einem Forum die Lösung gelesen habe: Offline Karten laden . . . erst dann kann man in der Kartenebene die Tankstellen high lighten. Man muß viel lesen und suchen . . . aber nur als Neueinsteiger :+1:

Yes! I found this solution too in the meantime. . . after reading the solution in a forum: load offline maps. . . only then can you highlight the gas stations in the map level.
You have to read and search for a long time . . . :+1: :+1: :wave:

Ja! diese Lösung habe ich inzwischen auf gefunden . . . nachdem ich in einem Forum die Lösung gelesen habe: Offline Karten laden . . . erst dann kann man in der Kartenebene die Tankstellen high lighten. Man muß lange lesen und suchen . . .

Yes! I found this solution too in the meantime. . . after reading the solution in a forum: load offline maps. . . only then can you highlight the gas stations in the map level. You have to read and search for a long time . . .

DE: (EN see below)
Manchmal hilft es auch, den direkten Weg über die Kurviger Dokumentation zu wählen :wink:. Hier z.B. der Link in die Doku zur Lösung deines Problems:

Sometimes it helps, to take the direct way to the Kurviger documentation :wink:. Here e.g. the link to the docu for solving your issue:


Ja! der Weg über die Kurviger Dokumentation hilft ! :+1: :joy: :joy:
Inzwischen habe ich mich in eingefuchst . . . ein tolles Tool !!
Ich werde es lieben und bin schon mal begeistert - habe alle Sommer Touren 2022 schon umgestellt.
Mal sehen, ob ich es schaffe im Ducati Club hier, die Leute von Calimoto zum “rüberzuziehen” :wink:


Just try to go off road… with calimoto impossible

Hi all,

I’m just back from 2 weeks enjoying motorbiking in France and Spain.
We were a team of 4 bikers - 2 of us were using Kurviger app (pro version), 1 using a TomTom.
I was one of the Kurviger-Pros and I was really happy to have this app. It was perfect to plan the trip for the next day, sharing the tour with the other Kurviger-Pro via QR-Code, routing during the trip. The little time needed to plan a route of 1800Km … This was really impressive compared to my experience with my old Garmin Zumo XT.

I would say there was just 1 thing where the TomTom had an advantage:
When the petrol level reaches the reserve then with Kurviger app you often need to stop and search where the next petrol station is. Of course the petrol stations are shown as POIs on the map. But you do not know the distance. If you have several POIs on the map then you need to decide which petrol station to choose. Or if you are in the mountains then often there is the question do I need to take this petrol station already or may we take the next one?
Only if you selcet one POI and add it to the route then you can see the distance.

TomTom has a feature where it shows the distance to the next petrol station which is directly on the track without being already a waypoint. So when your bike indicates that petrol is almost empty (maybe 50 Km still to go) you can see if a petrol station on the route will be reached before - and also next petrol stations on the route. It would be great if Kurviger app could always show next to distance to target also the distance to the next petrol station on the route.

It would be even better if with a long press on that information a pop-up window would appear with a list of the next petrol stations. It would be great if you could select one and by doing so either add it as a waypoint or getting more information about the POI (phone number, web address). Then you could check/call on Sundays or public holidays if the petrol station is open or closed.

Best Regards

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