App Actions for Android Focus/Bixby

Hi, it would be nice if your app would provide some focus functionalities.
I have a Samsung, so it’s called Bixby routines in my case but I guess it’s Focus on normal Android phones…!?

What ever the name is, I hope you understand what I mean.
The request is:
Additional focus functionalities to start maybe favorite routes (this is provide by google maps) or the following mode (this is what I realy want) additional to just starting the app.
Maybe this can be widgets too.

Do you mean the way you can already select it, for example, at OsmAnd today?

A selection maybe of the favorites would be nice and especial the follow mode because I really like to drive with this mode.

I have configured some drive profiles, by time, position and connected to bike, that starts some stuff (play music, auto volume app) and this app in foreground to navigate, but I have no option to set the route by profile or even set the following mode.