Rundtour wird nicht wie geplant zu Ende gefahren

Ich hatte mit meiner Kurviger Pro App 1.14.19 bereits mehrfach folgendes Problem:
Ich plane eine Rundtour zuhause am Rechner und exportiere diese per QR-Code zur App auf meinem Smartphone.
Dann starte ich die Tour und alles funktioniert zunĂ€chst normal bis etwa zur HĂ€lfte der Tour, als die App mich plötzlich den bereits gefahrenen Weg wieder zurĂŒck senden will, anstatt die Rundtour zu ende zu fahren. Ich habe mehrere Versuche gemacht, die Tour neu zu laden und dann beim nĂ€chst gelegenen Wegpunkt weiterzumachen.
Nach dem erneuten Laden der Tour wird diese auch zunĂ€chst korrekt angezeigt, jedoch beim Starten der Navigation fĂŒhrt die Tour auf der bereits gefahrenen Strecke zum Start zurĂŒck. Der noch ungefahrene Teil der Tour wird dann auch nicht mehr angezeigt.

Die einzige Lösung ist dann, alles zu löschen und ein paar Zwischenziele der verbleibenden Strecke manuell am Smartphone einzugeben, um dann die Tour zu Ende zu fahren.

Kennt jemand dieses PhÀnomen und gibt es einen Lösung?

It is helpful to post the route and location of the event,
so we can understand and try to reproduce the report.

What option is there in “Settings | Navigation | Navigation type”?
You can also try the “Skip waypoint” to remove old route parts.

Copying from the manual:

“If you are on a route and switch on navigation on the section of the route between the last waypoint before the destination and the destination, navigation may not take place. To prevent this, the following recommendation can be made: When planning the route, set a waypoint (shaping point or via point) on the route shortly before the destination.”

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Bei Fragen zum Routing ist es immer hilfreich wenn Du ein Routen-Beispiel postest.

In der Webseite hier:

Oder der App hier:

Eventuell ist Dein Problem Àhnlich diesem:


Das war die Route: Hilchenbach | Kurviger
Der Abbruch und Navigation zurĂŒck zum Start erfolgte dann etwa bei 2. Shaping-Point.

Das passt ja hervorragend zur Vermutung von @linux-user - der SP2 ist der letzte vorm Ziel - ein zusÀtzlicher SP kurz vorm Ziel wird vermutlich helfen.

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Ich glaube ich weiß was da passiert ist.
Du hast die Rundtour automatisch erstellen lassen.
Kurviger setzt dann “vermeide die selbe Straße zweimal befahren”
Wenn Du jetzt die Route verlĂ€sst und deshalb eine Neuberechnung stattfindet, weiß er nicht mehr dass Du diese Straße schonmal befahren hast.

FĂŒge noch 2-3 Wegpunkte ein - vorallem auf dem “RĂŒckweg”.
Alternativ kannst Du auch die automatische neuberechnung ausschalten.
Ich mach das gerne in lÀndlichem Gebiet, wenn ich will, dass die Route nicht verÀndert wird.

I think I know what happened there.
You have automatically created the round trip.
Kurviger then sets “avoid driving on the same road twice”.
If you now leave the route and therefore a recalculation takes place, it no longer knows that you have driven this road before.

Add 2-3 waypoints - especially on the “way back”.
Alternatively you can turn off the automatic recalculation.
I like to do this in rural areas, when I want that the route is not changed.

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This is a case that met me several times and made me angry :wink: Of course, turning off automatic recalculation is a must, but I managed to recalculate by hand without thinking and lose the route. That’s why I dream of something like undo, undoing the last route recalculation. I think I expressed it here.

It remains in any case very strange that you still only have to apply this “trick” as a solution.
After consuming (Via) Point “Start” and all mid Shaping or Via points, the final “target” Finish (Via) Point only remains.
That the navigation returns anyway to the before “consumed” (Via) Point Start seems to be an app imperfection.
Kurviger app imperfections are very rare, but this one doesn’t seem to be optimally solved. Without needing this trick, would be a elegant very welcome navigation improvement.

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I have not suggested any “trick”.
@WalterG (manual’s author) included it for convenience.

My thoughts are expressed in the other topic:

It is not a negative comment at all for this already o so very excellent Kurviger app Emux. I wouldn’t even dare to be negative anyway :wink:
I just suggest you that this behaviour maybe still can be optimised so that this strange workaround trick is not necesary anymore.

Abspeichern als GPX Datei und pro 5-10km einen zusÀzlichen Wegpunkt setzen lassen(automatisch).
Dann die GPX Datei importieren.


That’s really a very complex workaround already :roll_eyes:

What I experience as weird is the following Kurviger app behaviour.
“Navigation currently cannot start on the last route leg (after the last waypoint)”.
Very surprising when you are confronted with this for the first time.

An extra waypoint a few metres before the Finish is a (recalculation) routing and navigation target after all. Strange.
Why the Finish (Via) is not accepted as next target is weird and so possibly this can still be optimised?

Very good suggestion and so a very nice to use simple tool. I do support.

Unsurprisingly, navigation is supposed to start at the beginning.

I already explained the reason in the other topic.
Help start round trips as users complained about it (more common case).

Νo one was interested in offering a different solution

I do not understand why starting navigation on last leg ist not possible, therefore I am not sure if inserting a further shaping point automatically near destination would help:
If round trip and length of last leg > 200m (?) add a further shaping point near destination.
Variant 1: Insert it based on trackpoint ~200m(?) before destination, turn hint “continue”
Variant 2: Insert it based on last turn hint before destination.

Perhaps that might be a workaround 

It is already explained in the other topic (start round trips):

3 posts were split to a new topic: App: Navigation improvements

While usually navigation is supposed to start at the beginning,
I do like the flexibility to start navigation anywhere on the route.

I do understand why you prevented start of navigation on the last route leg.
Would it be possible to apply this rule only if current location is closer than a few 100m to the start point?

Such solutions are not safe and it is better to avoid them.
There can be start / end segments on the same road for km.

I will think about possible improvements, you can write ideas in the topic: