Kurviger iOS app is coming soon! / Kurviger iOS App erscheint bald!

Kurviger iOS app is coming soon! / Kurviger iOS App erscheint bald!


:rocket: A milestone for Kurviger!

We are excited to announce:

The Kurviger app is coming soon to iOS!

We know how many people want Kurviger on iOS and we’ve been working hard behind the scenes over the past few months to bring the Kurviger app to the App Store soon.

:soon: Stay tuned for updates, more info to follow.

We can hardly wait!


:rocket: Ein Meilenstein für Kurviger!

Wir freuen uns riesig euch verkünden zu können:

Die Kurviger App erscheint bald für iOS!

Wir wissen, wie viele sich Kurviger für iOS wünschen und hinter den Kulissen haben wir in den vergangenen Monaten richtig Gas gegeben, die Kurviger App schon bald in den App-Store bringen zu können.

:soon: Bleibt dran für Updates, weitere Infos folgen.

Wir können es kaum erwarten!


Yeah, darf ich das Bild in meinen WhatsApp Status setzen?


Natürlich, sehr gerne sogar! :wink:

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So sieht’s mein Buddy :+1: und freut sich drauf!


Erledigt und habe meinen Bekannten die Apple haben Bescheid gesagt.


As I‘ve been using Scenic since years and very happy with it, what might be the reason for me to change to another app from Kurviger?

Well, you have the options that the cloud gives you.
Save the favorites, save the routes in the cloud.
These are then available both in the browser and in the navigation app.
The curved route algorithm is then always the same.
Actually the fully integrated solution.
But of course you can also continue to use Scenic.


Years waiting for this!!


Endlich, das warten hat ein Ende :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ok, sounds like same features, Scenic has to offer. I‘ll nevertheless have a look when it’s released for IOS.


Great news!
And will be Apple Carplay available?

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Sorry no, not at the beginning, but it is a planned feature for us :slight_smile:

6 day ride coming up on the 19th of April - will I be using Scenic or Kurviger ?

K U R V I G …

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I guess you’ve got the choice now, see: Kurviger iOS BETA + Roadmap :slight_smile:


I was reading this post this morning and grinning to myself so hard :grin: