Kurviger Android 3.3.0 Feedback

Kurviger is getting better and better but sometimes…
Three issues I have with Kurviger 3.3
My smartphone is mounted in a upright position.
When I stop to see the overall map situation of where I am and where I have to go to.
Immediately after STOP the bike the GPS-arrow (so I call this thing)… the arrow turns in the opposite direction. Huh???
In the upper left “turn-display”: it useually shows the “next turn” in 20,30,40,50,60KM or in between!!!
The next turn in 10m isn’t present anymore… ALLTOUGH sometimes it appears but only SOMETIMES.
Then I have to look at the map, this displays the route I’ve planned… so far so good.
In a situation of blocked roads Kurviger need some long time to recalculate.

Schalten Sie vielleicht auch die Neuberechnung aus. Das war früher auch ein Problem mit Garmin, sobald man die Route verlassen hat, ging es direkt zum Endpunkt.

Neuberechnung aus?
Dann habe ich auch keine verzögerte Neuberechnung mehr. Lieber verzögert als gar keine.

Automatische Neuberechnung kann jeder nach Geschmack bereits jetzt in der App selbst an-/ausschalten :slight_smile:

Hello. After few rides I still have this very annoying “instruction 4 times repeat” bug… At the moment I even consider changing nav app for some time but… paying for next subscription is not very tempting.

Some times it is OK from the start but than when I stop, to have some rest, drink etc. and resume navigation this bug appears… Message repetitions are from 2 to 4.

And app still crashes from time to time.

We just released version 3.3.1 where this is fixed (the announcement post will be out in the next hour).

Hopefully this is also fixed with 3.3.1, if not, it would be great if you could provide more information on when this happens.


Let’s continue the discussion in the 3.3.1 thread.