I feel uneducated on how to consume share links/codes

Yes. Was written in the post:

Perhaps it’s easier to understand with some screenshots. As it is now, and how it could be eventually. In my fake there are 2 buttons to select Tour code or Shared link. Instead of buttons to select there may be other selection elements or an automatic recognition if the input is a Tourcode or a Code of Shared link.

Screenshots: Actual Export (Share link), actual Import (Tourcode), fake Import Code (Tourcode or Shared link)
As you can see in the screenshots of actual Import and Fake, there is not much more space necessary.


Screenshots: Input of Tourcode, Input of Share link Code
With selection it’s possible to give info for Tourcode and Share link code.


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Hi. The more I read and think I agree with Robin, not to implement this edit: at once. I had also to think why this 5-digit to share feels like a workaround and it would not solve the usecase I have in my mind.

The initial question was how to consume the link as easy as possible. If Chrome has opened the link as the Samsung browser we would have had no question and no discussion at all. And we have discussed a lot of possibilities to consume the link, perhaps not in the way we used it in K2. So it is not completely broken, perhaps a little bit weird by writing in in my own messager, so I get a clickable link. Two times a year. At least for me no showstopper and absolute no emotions.

Then the first posts, we talked about Tourcodes and “kurv.gr” links.

The kurv.gr is in the end just a service, that shortens a long URL, like any other service in the internet that shortens URL´s. Input is long URL, output is short URL, but still an URL. So I fully understand Robin, when he says - please use it as an URL and share the URL.
As it has currently(!) 5 digits, some used it for communication on paper. But it is not the usecase of a link to share only a part of it. You do not even have control over this link, you cannot change or delete it. What if the links are deleted after x months? Never promised to keep it a lifetime.

The other thing, why it feels to me like a workaround, is that with every change of the route, the just shared link is old, and I would have to say to everybody “Sorry, I changed the route, please enter this new 5-digit-code”. Not comfortable.

Rough idea - hopefully not totally bad.
I would extend the usecase to “I want to share MY route with many other ONCE. I want to share it also anonymous users. I want to share the the route already X days/months before the tour starts. When I make changes on MY route, and the partner loads the route again, he should get the most current route. When a route is changed on the tour (tour must be changed because you invited me and I am too slow), all users that have currently the route loaded should get an update message (e.g. when the navigation is started or other event; or I call loud they should please reload the route). The code should be easy to enter as the normal Tourcodes. I can create, change and even delete MY route so that it is not available anymore.”

In my mind this is just the behaviour of a Tourcode plus additional functionalities with the cloud. Perhaps vice versa a link with a tourcode can be build. Share the tourcode now for the tour next summer by email and you are done.

Route “BlackForest032023” links to tourcode toffel/SUMMER2023 and every change of the route is linked.

And all who rely on the 5-digit of the link can (mis-?)use it as in the past.


Back then, there was no cloud integration in the app :wink: - that said, I also commented further above:

The only question left is, if this should be inside the app or through a browser.

I was asking how you use them. And I am still open to learn how you use them. I am not saying your doing anything wrong, because I still don’t understand what you are doing.

Thanks for providing this example. So your use case is that you actually write down the short links on paper for your own travel log? This is an interesting use case, thanks for adding it.

We would like to understand how you are using the links to be able to provide an fitting solution. But we also need to understand how many users are actually using this and how often this is used. More frequent = more prominent in the app, less frequent = less prominent, or maybe just on the website using regular urls in the browser nav bar.

Thanks for providing the sample, that’s what I thought :+1:

Yes, this is one use case we would like to support in the future :+1:

Without reading the complete discussion.
Use case: you get the shortling as an Textfile not hyperlink. Than it’s helpful to copy and paste the link "Text"into Kurviger directly.