Website: Kurviger Liberty Dark

We just added Kurviger Liberty Dark, a dark version of Kurviger Liberty. This is considered BETA, so if you see any issues with this, please let us know.

Dark map styles can’t contain as much information and details as lighter styles as a lot of colours are simply not available, so we reduced the information visible on the map style to the essential information.

You can select the new map style on the website:

This is related to this topic: Website: Dark theme

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It’s not entirely clear to me what this map was added for.
What purpose should this serve?

At this point I would not want to use this on the website, but maybe someone has something positive to report… :face_with_monocle:

I am quite curious! :innocent: :slightly_smiling_face:

Nowadays, many people like to use dark themes of a website (so the background is dark, and the text is white). Currently, the website has no dark theme yet. So this is a first step towards that. So when you use Kurviger in a dark surrounding / room, it might be easier on the eyes. See also the topic I linked above for some more background.

The other thing where this map style might come in handy is if you would be navigating with a navigation app. Some apps switch the map style automatically if you enter a tunnel or if it’s getting dark outside.

For now it is simply a new map style that can be used if you like it :slight_smile:.

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zum Planen unbrauchbar
Gruss Rolf

Na ja,es frisst kein Brot!

Nothing wrong with another option. When I’m sitting in bed late at night on my laptop, planning my next epic ride, my wife won’t be annoyed by the bright glare. :laughing:


And with the relationship between Kurviger website and the coming app perhaps for some people it could be a nice map view in the app at dark environment.


I just had a look at the new map style. For planning on the PC, it is too confusing for me, or shows me too little detail.
In the app, however, I could very well imagine the map style for pure navigation.

Cool, I like the map style on a very zoomed-in detail level for seeing which roads are available in a general area.

I can’t imagine it becoming my #1 Go-To map style, but I think it’s a cool addition to the list

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