Use of Headings for links to documentation

If I enter a link to the documentation, I see the documentation heading in the preview. But after finishing the post, only the URL of the link is shown. I think, the heading should also be shown in the post.


Ahhh - I try to remove the querystring:

Also does not work :frowning_face:

If you look at your screenshot it shows an error for the docs, that it can’t generate a preview.

There is probably a technical reason, my guess is that the wiki software does not add open graph meta tags to the html, so the “preview” feature does not work properly.

Unfortunately I fear changing this is not easily possible as both the forum and the wiki use off the shelf software with minimal customization.

Thanks for the feedback. I was wondering: The forum detects the heading (shown in preview) - so I expected that the heading was shown in final post too (without hints concerning missing open graph meta tags).
If I insert a link to
the behaviour is the same (I did not add any open graph meta tags).

Yes, the wiki software doesn’t either :slight_smile: I guess that’s the problem.

The software is opensource

That’s a true story on opensource software. And you’re right it would be better if the heading could be shown in the post in the end too.

Please avoid writing the same message multiple times - spamming the forum.

Whether a software is open source or not has nothing to do with its features.