Tracking doesn't work continuously

Since few week I’m observing many interruptions of the tracking. Ususally I use Tracking to know where I went really. So I know where I went really, even if I didi not follow navigation. The last tours I observed many interruptions. Function was not working properly.

Device: Samsung S7
Kurvger Pro-Version: 1.14.15

Any recommendations to improve the tracking
The uploaded file shows several cases of interrupted tracking.

20210314_205250.gpx (890.2 KB)

There are many options for the GPS logging filters in “Settings | GPS logging”.
(see also the documentation)

Which GPS logging filters have you set?
More strict filters can cause recording gaps.

You can also change the location service in “Settings | Location” between Android or Google
and see which one works better on your device.

Also are you sure that you had GPS signal at those areas?
If GPS sensor does not have signal, there can not be recording.

Are you sure your device / OEM allows applications to work properly in the background?

See here for more details and what to do:

Yes, I’m sur e it does. I use it since 2 years with this app and I got very good results at this time.
Since this year tracking shows these gaps.

And yes, we have usuallly GPS-signal here. I had not the Problem, that the navigation has shown the gaps. Just the recording of the tracks.

Actual filter settings are:

Zeitintervall: 2s
Mindestabstand: 4m
Minimale GPS-Genauigkeit: 4m
Mindestgeschwindigkeit: Aus

Do you always use these filters?

Can your device provide that GPS accuracy?
(the default setting is 50 m)

The documentation mentions:

“Note: especially when filtering for accuracy or speed, it can happen that parts of the track are missing, this is because in these parts the accuracy was worse than the minimal accuracy or the speed was lower. The accuracy of the GPS position will be worse when carrying the device in a pocket/bag, so it might be necessary to increase the accuracy for these cases.”

Don’t know. In the past it was as precise as it has shown on which side of teh street I drove.

GPS logging in the app has not changed.

But a GPS accuracy filter of 4 m is too aggressive to allow recording everywhere.
(if GPS cannot provide that accuracy)

Better to retry with the default settings:

  • Time interval: 5 s
  • Minimum distance: 10 m
  • GPS accuracy: 50 m
  • Minimum speed: off

What Android does your device have? Was it updated recently?
The OEM may introduced some aggressive app or GPS policy.

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is somewhere explained in detail, what the single steps in the filter mean? To better understand the influence, what the change of the filter does.


more details are really not necessary - just do as recommended and you will see: it works!

Have you excluded Kurviger from all sorts of power management ?
Maybe disable power management all together.

Hab ich gelesen - hilft aber nicht.

Ich habe gestern nochmal genau beobachtet, was er macht. Sobald das Display aus ist, antizipiert Kurviger meine weitere Fahrt, basierend auf dem Vektor, den ich zuletzt hatte, bevor das Display aus war. Ich habe die akustischen Abbiegehinweise aktiviert, um zu sehen, ob Kurviger bei ausgeschaltetem Display weiter “navigiert”. Macht er auch. Geht aber von einer völlig falschen Position meiner Wenigkeit aus. Erst, wenn ich das Display wieder einschalte, springt er auf meine wirkliche Position.
So ähnlich verhält es sich auch im Stillstand. Display an - alles gut.
Display aus - Gekrakel. Durch die ständige Ungenauigkeit und die Sprünge der Position im Stand (was ja normal und unkritisch ist) verfällt er gerne in einen Drift, der wie gesagt zum letzten Vektor passt und malt mir mit dem Track einen schönen Stern um meine eigentliche Position.

Rot markiert der weg, den ich wirklich gefahren bin. Kurz vor der Ausfahrt hab ich das Display ausgemacht und kurz vor der Ortschaft dann wieder an. So entsteht dann dieser “Zacken”.

Rot mein Standort. Ohne Display driftet er dann im Schritttempo davon und sobald es wieder angeht, springt er zurück.

Für mich heißt es nun herauszufinden, wie die App bei abgeschaltetem Display das GPS weiter nutzen kann… Kurviger kann das nicht beeinflussen. Kurviger darf ja gemäßt der Einstellungen im Android nichtmal “immer” auf das GPS zugreifen, sondern nur, wenn die App aktiviert ist.
Vielleicht weiß ja jemand da was…

Ist übrigens das selbe Verhalten, wie wenn man in einen Tunnel fährt. Auch da macht er aus dem letzten aktiven Vektor einen Track, bis er das Signal wiederfindet. Also diese Funktionalität ist dem Gerät gegeben und hat auch seine Berechtigung.

Hier gibt es doch so eine automatische Übersetzung ins englische, nicht?

did it with google…
I read that - but it doesn’t help.

I watched what he was doing again yesterday. Once the display is off, Kurviger anticipates my next ride based on the vector I last had before the display was off. I turned on the audible turn-by-turn directions to see if Kurviger keeps “navigating” when the display is off. He does too. But assumes a completely wrong position of yours truly. Only when I turn the display back on does it jump to my real position.
The situation is similar when standing still. Display on - all good.
Display off - scrawl. Due to the constant inaccuracy and the jumps in the position when stationary (which is normal and not critical), he likes to drift into a drift that, as I said, fits the last vector and paints a nice star around my actual position with the track.

Marked in red is the path I actually drove. Shortly before the exit I turned off the display and then turned it on again just before the village. This is how this “spike” is created.

Red my location. Without a display, he then drifts away at walking pace and as soon as it starts again, he jumps back.

For me it is now a matter of finding out how the app can continue to use the GPS when the display is switched off… Kurviger cannot influence that. According to the Android settings, Kurviger is not even allowed to “always” access the GPS, but only when the app is activated.
Maybe someone knows something…

By the way, this is the same behavior as when you drive into a tunnel. Here, too, it makes a track from the last active vector until it finds the signal again. So this functionality is given to the device and has its justification.

sure… It´s freed from all “restrictions”…

So something in the deep of your system blocks the app from accessing the GPS sensor when it is in background.

You may also try to change location service.
Setting | Location | Location service
Google | Android.

I´m evaluating … curious about the behaviour of my mobile.