Subfolders inside collections

That’s why (among other reasons) the internal cloud in the app has not yet been implemented.

Then users will start asking for structural changes all the time, making everything complicated.
(similar to how complicated the bookmarks are asked to be redesigned)

Meanwhile all these are already available with (free) external clouds: :wink:

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Ich vermisse im Bereich Cloud/Deine Routen die Möglichkeit, Unterordner anzulegen. So langsam füllt sich das Fenster und es wird unübersichtlich.
Des weiteren würde ich gerne komplette Ordner (mit Inhalt) und einzelne Ordnerinhalte verschieben können. Um z.B. eine Route in einen anderen Ordner zu verschieben, muss ich jetzt erst die Route öffnen und kann dann erst über erweiterte Optionen verschieben. Das ist sehr umständlich.

I miss the possibility to create subfolders in the cloud/your routes area. Slowly the window fills up and it becomes confusing.
Furthermore, I would like to be able to move complete folders (with content) and individual folder contents. For example, to move a route to another folder, I now have to open the route first and can only then move via advanced options. This is very cumbersome.

Thanks for bringing this up, I have moved your topic into the existing discussion. At leasts right now, we are not planning on adding multiple folder levels. Right now there are folder and within them, you can place routes/favorites. Subfolders would make things way more complicated, but in theory it might be possible that we could add this in the future.

Yes, that makes sense, to move multiple routes at once.