"Speaking" language / Dutch

Language, the speaking language is not to understand. Its a mix of English and

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Device: samsung - SM-A325F - Android: 13 - WebView: 114.0.5735.130
App-Version: 3.0.10 - 1134
Screen: 360 x 800 px - 3dppx

Could you provide more information please?

Hi there, the spoken instruction are terrible. The app is in Dutch and the instructions apparently also. But it’s an English voice trying to speak Dutch. Terrible! Is is possible to change to English or any other laguage at all?

Probably you don’t have dutch TTS installed. If you go to the Android settings → Text To Speech, you should be able to download different languages, downloading Dutch should resolve this.

You can switch to English when you click on the user icon in the planning view and then click on the language flag.

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You´re right. TTS set to Dutch and is much, much better now. It was a little bit hard to find (Settings-Algemeen beheer-Tekst naar spraak) but I found it. Thanks.


How do I get dutch language?

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Device: samsung - SM-A546B - Android: 13 - WebView: 118.0.5993.111
App-Version: 3.2.3 - 1715
Screen: 384 x 832 px - 2.8125dppx

see also

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Good day,

I am a Dutch motorcyclist and have been using your Android app with great pleasure for a few months now.
However, the Dutch pronunciation in the route guidance is a point that deserves attention. Personally, I don’t actually recognize it as Dutch spoken. So I set the language to German.
To help you reach a higher level for the Dutch motorcyclist (and market), it would be nice to have a Dutch person record the voice instructions. If you are interested in this, my wife would be happy to cooperate. This is completely free of charge.

Kind regards, Benno

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Okay, I put the speech in TTS on Google Dutch and this seems to solve the problem. Thanks for this.



Thanks for the great new features!
… Dutch translations in overlay screens …

At the end of the tutorial for using overlays the text on the last button is “Alles veilig?”
A better translation in Dutch would be “Alles duidelijk?”

In the screen where you can add overlays the text in the bottom two buttons is best translated as “Routes in de cloud” and “Favorieten in de cloud”.
We Dutch use the english word for the cloud an do not have a dutch word for it.


Many thanks for the hint. I have changed the translations just now. Cheers


Ik heb het volgens mij wel werkend maar klopt het dat het wel een beetje gebrekkig nederlands gesproken is
Of moet het echt duidelijk correct nederlands zijn?

Bvd gijs

Thanks for the feedback. Could you clarify the issues? Is something wrong? If yes, what exactly and how would you improve it?

The spoken directions in dutch are a bit strange
It sounds like an american is trying to speak dutch
Is that correct or should it be in correct dutch and am i doing myself something wrong??

Have you tried the above solution?

Ik heb dat probleem niet,
Bij mij zijn de gesproken instructies in correct Nederlands.