Compass and label of geographic direction

(Prefer to write in English first - we may translate to good and clear German later, but want to separate these two steps …)

… and we still have a third mode:

C Following mode with or without navigation: Then again it is like mode A.


(Did I really really confirm to write an entry for documenation???) :grimacing::joy:

Very nice!

With those orientation modes the map rotates and tilts based on device compass readings, instead of GPS sensor.

In navigation, when tap the compass, the map rotation is turned on / off.

Ok, got this, thx. As said, never use(d) this.

Yes, will add this, thx - it’s the same meaning.

Also as discussed here in next version the map orientation options will be enriched with GPS 2D and GPS 3D modes. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ooooh noooo … :tired_face::weary::rofl:

Whats the advantage of using the device compass instead of GPS?

Compass has usually the disadvantage of erroneous readings due to device sensor quality without calibration and being affected by near electronic equipment.

GPS orientation needs movement, while compass can provide it while standing.

Ich schreibe lieber auf Deutsch und überlasse die Übersetzung den Profis.

Wenn du mein englisches Original automatisch auf Deutsch übersetzen lässt, macht es keinen Sinn, dann DIESE deutsche Version zu redigieren …
Die automatisierten Übersetzungen von Google sind nicht gut genug! Das sieht man auch an deiner deutschen Übersetzung “Bitte schreiben Sie zuerst auf Englisch - wir können später gut und klar Deutsch übersetzen, möchten aber diese beiden Schritte trennen …” meines englischen Kommentars, der eigentlich hieß: “Ich (!) bevorzuge es, zuerst in Englisch zu schreiben - das können wir später in gutes und klares Deutsch übersetzen, aber ich (!) würde diese beiden Schritte gerne voneinander trennen …”
Deswegen bitte erst mal nur Änderungswünsche auf Englisch! Ok?

Ok - got it! Thx!


Compass and label of geografic direction

In the left top corner you find a compass symbol, and, if you have confirmed this option (Settings - Map - Bearing) additionally a label below with the usual abbreviations for geografic directions (e.g. NE).

The arrow of the compass symbol shows, as every compass, the direction to the geografic north of the shown map.
The label below (letters of compass directions) shows the compass bearing, i.e. direction of current movement.

Using is different in different modes of Kurviger:

A “Pure map mode” without navigation OR “Following mode” with or without navigation:

Tapping the compass toggles directly between turning on and turning off map rotation (hint appears in a bubble):
1) Map rotation: Off:
Top of map remains directed to north
(you can rotate the map with two fingers, but after 2 (!) taps the map rotates back to top = north),
2) Map rotation: On:
Orientation of map follows current direction of movement (i.e. the location arrow remains upwards),_

You should choose
(1), if you prefer to stay orientated about geografic north always while moving - then the label informs you about the geografic direction of your current movement (and the location arrow rotates too accordingly),

(2), if you prefer to see always the course of the route in front of you towards the top of the map - then the compass informs you about the direction of geografic north of course rotates).

B “Navigation mode”:

A tap on the compass symbol let you choose:
1) Manual:
Top of map remains directed to north
(you can rotate map with two fingers, but 2nd tap rotates map back to top = north),
2) GPS (2D or 3D*):
Orientation of map follows current direction of movement (i.e. the location arrow remains upwards),
3) Compass (2D or 3D):
the map rotates and tilts based on device compass readings, instead of GPS sensor.

You should choose
(1), if you prefer to stay orientated about geografic north always while moving - then the label informs you about the geografic direction of your current movement (and the location arrow rotates too accordingly),

(2), if you prefer to see always the course of the route in front of you towards the top of the map - then the compass informs you about the direction of geografic north of course rotates),
(3), if you want to get information about directions without moving, because the device’s compass does not need movement; but this may have the disadvantage of erroneous readings due to device sensor quality without calibration and being affected by near electronic equipment.

*) Will be implemented soon.

@diesel6876: Bitte lass uns erst mal beim Englischen bleiben, sonst kann @devemux86 nicht kritisch folgen, und er muss den Text ja sachlich bestätigen! @boldtrn wird das dann sicherlich noch mal sprachlich prüfen, und wenn der Beitrag erst mal inhaltlich (!) steht, können wir daraus eine gute deutsche Übersetzung machen - ok?

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Bezieht sich das auf dieses Thema, oder darf ich genell nicht mehr auf Deusch im Forum schreiben.

Neiiiiiiin - natürlich nur hier, wo es um die Vorbereitung eines Beitrags für die Dokumentation geht!! :smile:

Ansonsten, wie schon mehrfach betont, sind alle Sprachen zugelassen!! :+1:t4:

Alles klar…ich verstehe :wink:

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There was a misunderstanding here:
Obviously can write in any language in forum!
Here is just preparation of a wiki documentation.

Thanks @Uli_LH!

Some notes to clarify better some cases:

  • Inside navigation if tap the compass can switch map rotation & tilt on / off.

  • Outside navigation if tap the compass then map orientation dialog appears.
    With Manual selection, if rotate / tilt with gestures, then 1 tap reverts map back.

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Ok, will add this to the top of the text as a sort of “short overview about options in general”, followed then by my detailed explanatory notes as presented above - agree with that?

Sure, but you still need to switch the (A) and (B) labels in your descriptions, like mentioned above.
Now the descriptions are hosted in the opposite categories.

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