Routing "Würgauer Berg" is not possible

any ideas why it is not possible to route “Würgauer Berg” during the week. I know, motorcycles are forbidden there on weekends and public holidays, but today is friday. I checked also OSM and there are 2 settings regarding motorcycle: “motorcycle : no” and “motorcycle:conditional : yes @ Mo-Fr”. This means it should be possible to route from Monday to Friday. Do you have any ideas, why it don’t works at

Here the route at kurviger: Kurviger

Routing in OSM directly works:

Best regards

Hi Rainer,
this feature is currently in Beta for kurviger, you can read more here:

Until then the first parameter you posted (motorcycle:no) will get precedence and just block the road I suspect

You can also vote for that topic in the thread I linked to give the topic more attention and nudge the developers

I just simplified the tagging here as well, so that it simple motorcycle:conditional=no @ (Sa-So) so regular routing should work in the next two weeks.

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